Marvel has been moving since The Incredible Hulk in 2008.
DC have only announced they plan to match Marvel, they have a long way ahead of them.
Marvel has been moving since The Incredible Hulk in 2008.
DC have only announced they plan to match Marvel, they have a long way ahead of them.
People will inevitably pop in and tell you that you can build this yourself for half the price (you really can't, unless you're getting some insane deals on some parts) - but it seems with time the gap between pre-built and build-your-own is getting smaller and smaller. 10 years ago I wouldn't buy a pre-made PC …
Good call, missed/misheard that.
Well, I think most of us can talk about it without fear of the full reprisal from the militant elements in #GG. But if you're a games journalist? I don't doubt that's how things feel, even if you're a guy. And if you're a semi-prominent woman at all related to the gaming scene it's clearly even more the case.
Make your own counter movement. Start a hashtag that is positive and actually stands for something without tearing down others. That's how you reconcile agreeing with some but not all of Gamergate's points.
What struck me about the doxxing was that whoever did it went to the trouble to make sure that it would be unmistakably tied to gamergate, a group that's been making a very public attempt at distancing itself from the doxxings. Seem's a bit.. fishy.
Uncharted 2: the most amazing cinematic experience i ever played.
Why are Buzzfeed people so painfully unfunny? They keep pushing an agenda and they're never funny...
Kotaku/Gawker are only interested in women's rights when they can be used to push an agenda while click baiting fed up males and white knights into the article.
The trailer has nearly 900,000 views in 3 days. If they were trying to obtain free publicity, it worked.
You mean like how Kotaku is accused of having one of their authors review a game after Zoe Quinn slept with them? Except that said review never happened?
Has Kotaku written ANY articles laying out these 'ostensible' ethical criticisms? Not that I've seen. Instead they focus on the select few rotten apples in an otherwise valid movement which is a long standing well documented tactic to shut down people who disagree with you. This fact alone brings serious question…
^ A wild troll appeared
Yet now nintendo has the most 1080p 60fps games out on any of the consoles.
Goddamn Sakura is useless though isn't she? Her only good fight that I can remember off the top of my head involved a better ninja controlling her body because she wasn't skilled enough to fight on her own. A cool concept for a fight, but Sakura never really got any good moments all to herself.
The great thing about Nami was that she wasn't ever intended to be a fighter. She's a master navigator and the story takes time to show here doing her thing. And when she gets into fights her knowledge of weather even comes into play. I'm glad she's not useless in battle, but I'm okay with her being second string…
It's not really a surprise.
This is the best feature ever announced for a console. It's the logical next step for online gaming and the truest way to bridge local and online multiplayer experiences. Give me the option for a little video feed of my friend in the corner of the screen and I'll be giddy.