

Sooo, it looks like I'm going t wait until the GOTY edition of MGS5 comes out to pick this up. I'm done w/ the pre game sales of half games. I love MGS, but I refuse to purchase the entire game for almost 100 bucks once you combo the two together. So like I said, I 'll just wait on this. Infamous is coming out

I'm still on the fence about trying though.....

Now playing

Remember what happened the last time they did a full blown movie.

Was thinking more like SAO.

Now playing

I don't know why, but that made me think of this.

Yeah, that's generally how that works...

Start singing because of this text..

I met him at TGS 2008. He was a cool dude. I'm sad he's leaving....

Wait, I can own one and not be called a

"The worst is when you are in party chat with team members that are ignorant and hateful. You can't just mute the player cause he's just a friend of a friend that's really good and you need to communicate with that player in order to win. I have very thick skin so I mostly just ignore it (while keeping tabs on the

I have yet to see anything that proves that.

Now playing

Not so sure I agree w/ that. When you start to look at how "great" you are, you tend to get into trouble. Exactly how Microsoft thought that it was so awesome going from the Xbox 360 to the Xbox 1. They were destroying Sony and then...

As cool as this is, I can already hear people complaining about having to hold the gun.

That's cool with me. I'd much rather purchase from the people who created this instead of paying some bootlegger. It's just that it sucks when the start editing things out of the American version, which tends to piss me off. I understand that there are things that the American culture doesn't get as a while but I'd

I can't figure out who's the better villian. Joker, Vaas, or Jack.

Did not know this was a graphic novel. I will support. Thanks for that. As far as fansub goes, I like the fansubs more often times then I do the official subs. They tend to put more effort into explaining things. But you are right, there are a lot of crap Fansub's that suck, but at the same time if these were people

Why? Would you let bullshit fly in your house? If you raise your children right you should be alright. Have confidence in yourself. For everything else, have good aim.