
I tell you what, they'd do a better job if they just hired the people who were doing this and made them sell it. I'd gladly pay for a legal, uncut, straight to English translation of All I need is Kill, Until Death Do Us Part, Rosario + Vampire, or Witch Craft Works. If there's wasn't a need for it, these sites would

As a recent review of Xfinity Games reveals, the games Comcast is streaming are actually full console and PC versions of the likes of Mirror's Edge, FIFA and Need for Speed: Most Wanted. The touch interface and control mapping is unique to each game, and the reviewer felt this added a "learning curve" not found in

A few moments later, Hilleman pulled out a sourceless but nonetheless interesting statistic: "85 percent of the people who play games never play a console." This audience, Hilleman claimed, is splintered between web games, client-based free-to-play PC games, mobile games and other disruptive innovations in the gaming

Epic mind blown

Back in the 90s, when Final Fantasy had exploded and JRPGs were almost as ubiquitous as first-person shooters are today, Sega offered up their own take: Phantasy Star, a sci-fi epic that would be to Star Wars what Dragon Quest was to Lord of the Rings. While some naysayers and Nintendo fanboys dismissed Sega's series

Thank you. I asked the same question on a Nintendo fan page and that had to be the worst mistake ever. I've never been so bombarded by hate speech in my life. Once again, thank you.

Not to fuck with you, but what has come out that's really showed the power of the Wii U? I'm not bashing it, but I'm putting that display pad in the same box as the Xbox and PS4 camera's. As of right now, to me, they are poorly used gimmicks. Don't get me wrong, I want to get a Wii U. I love the games they come out

What's that place all about? I've been getting good sites from all the people pissed at Kotaku. Like Polygon and such.

Well, they couldn't use the GWB, that bitch looks like it's one car away from falling apart.

So your going to judge next gen graphics and sounds based off an internet video clip because?

You don't have to play online, but if you are this connects.

First thing I thought of reading this article......

The date is set for June/July. They said they were going to put it out 2nd Quarter....

It's a reference to other post about Sony's free/discounted games. People tend to say that these aren't "real" games.

I can relate. I have more pictures of plates of food because of my wife.... BUT I will say that between the two of us she takes some awesome pictures. So I dunno :-/

One up game....what if it were Kratos?

Wow, they went full American.......

What popup adds?