Yeah, she's ok but her pride was the thing most hurt.
Thick ass legs too.
I don't get it.
Margret Cho is gay. She describes herself as a fag hag as well.
Once again, you see the definition as something that is disrespectful. I don't. We're not going to agree on this so I'm going to stop because I really do have a lot of homework to do and I'm over here F5'n to see how you respond. Ultimately here's how I see things. I don't think it's bad to be what the definition is.…
How's that an insult? If your shy, quirky that's who you are. If you have a problem participating in or even following sports that's who you are. If your unattractive that's an aesthetic value that changes depending on who your talking to. Once again, if that is who you are it's who you are. Name one person on the…
It's not that saying doesn't work. You choose to look at it that way. I choose to look at it the way I do. We're using two different types of references for the same statement. I took it mean what I said, you took it to mean what you said. It's not science, it's a saying. The same as Live-Laugh-Love. Depending on how…
You are really getting touchy about this. I see where your going with this, but the reference I pulled from this was more along the lines of, if everyone says your smart and you call yourself dumb, maybe your not as dumb as you think. If everyone says your handsome/pretty but you keep calling yourself ugly, maybe your…
From Wiki.
IMO, it sounds like your running from the word. I was told once, if enough people tell you that you look like a horse, you might want to invest in a saddle. If your a geek, your a geek. If your not your not.
I think that your being a bit short sighted with the term geek and nerd. A nerd has always been someone who is really smart. I've always felt that way, whenever I was called one I was never offended. It's like being called "white" or "black" as far as I'm concerned. If you take it as something that is negative, then I…
Holy shit. Did not know this.
That's funny. Kotaku just did an article on