Can't say I agree with you and obviously there are other people out there are like me. There are a ton of games that are graphically pretty but are horrible games. FFXIII for one. I can deal with "meh" graphics as long as the gameplay is tight. I'd be more then willing to give up AAA graphics for AAA game play any…
What about BioShock?
I'd say that on the flip side, purchasing a PS3 early was a blessing for me. I was able to buy one that had the media slots in the front and it had 4 USB ports that I could use. Yes I used the Media card slots on the front and yes I did use at least 3 of the USB ports. While it was bigger in size than it's more recent…
aw man, you beat me to it. I just had this SAME argument about this in another thread on here.
I'm buying a copy. So that's one down.
Nah, Capcom fully has its hands on BOF. They would like to drag it through the mud first by turning it into a mobile game before throwing it into the garbage. Can't just kill it. Must make it suffer a slow and agonizing death. That's the way of Capcom. Just look at RE6 and DMC.
Xbox 360 320 Gig HD = 129.99
You can replace the INTERNAL hard drive.
Wait, people still listen to the radio? I haven't used mine in forever. Just Spodify.
Everything in moderation. I game for about 3-4hours a day if I can. On the flip side, I also spend about 2-3 hours in the gym (my wife says I spend +5, w/e). I also do a lot of reading (non video game reading). It's all about what works for you without going overboard. I've done my fair share of marathon gaming…
I can't argue against what your saying. I do feel that it might come down to a lawsuit to stop him from doing this, but at the same time he does have a point.
That just sucks. I'll be honesty with you. I bought 2 playstation 3's so I could do stuff like that. (I hate playing split screen). I buy a copy and rent the second copy and then go all out.
Here I thought I was alone. I actually wait for games to come out so that other gamers can tell me if there is controller support for them.
You should play with people who aren't tools. What you just described is the reason I played w/ my friends.. Had a blast the entire time too.
How's it not an RPG? It seemed very RPG ish to me. Not trolling, curious. I played because I REALLY wanted to kill Jack. Especially after what he did to Bloodwing.
Your right, but I like this definition better.