
and that makes me sad.

No I get it. I really do. This looks like a Mega Man clone. I'm not saying that it doesn't by any means. What I'm saying is so what? Just because it looks like a clone doesn't mean they can be sued for copyright infringement. That's what I'm getting at. Hence my example of the Phantom and the 300.

If a decision goes south, I understand the reason to can the series.What I don't understand is how they go out of their way to destroy flagship series. I understand they wanted to reboot DMC, but look where that that got them. They also butchered RE6 by wanting to appeal to a wider audience. I totally forgot about

Ducktails does come close. It's side scrolling. Instead of shooting people you hit rocks. It's not an exact clone, but it uses a the same formula as MM is where I was getting. Is it a rip off? I'd say it's about as much of a rip off of Mega Man as a 300 is of a Phantom.

I just read what I wrote and I see your point. I should have taken my ass to bed hours ago. So I apologize for what I tried to pass as a thought. It made sense at the time in my head. ::warning, I might be rambling in the following. I've been drinking and it's prob not a good idea for me to be on a computer but I'm

Why? He's not making a mega man game. He's making a game like Mega man. I get what your saying, but if everyone could sue everyone for making a game like theirs then there would only be 1 racing game out there. 1 platforming game, etc etc. See where I'm going with this? Also, there are other games out there like MM

I think you might be reaching high on that. I can only think of one and I'm going to give that time.

They did. Capcom won't give them the rights. Won't even sell them. They are holding on even if they have no intentions of actually making a MM game.

Xbox 1 PS4

Not so sure about that....

Have you seen what Sony is offering? Not going to lie, but they are slow roasting Microsoft. I'm all for it because the more they do this, the more Microsoft has to come back with a 1 up. In the end it's simply better for us the consumer because we start getting things cheaper and cheaper. I'm not for poo flinging,

I got a story for you. This will blow your mind. I met a white guy from Louisiana. He was Cajun. Before me he had NO black friends at all. After about a month he says to me, (I shit you not, these were his EXACT words.) "You know what? Your the nicest nigger I've ever met."

I'll be honest. I was just browsing the internet and this looked perfect, so I downloaded and it and waited for a good time to use it.....figured this was a good time.

SemiReformedFanGirl is right. It's from George of the Jungle.

Which is a problem because if she's really this racist (and doesn't know it) and this is everyday conversation. Then who else is having this conversation with?

***Nothing to do with the post ***

Am I the only one who went back to being a kid and thought the handheld sounded like it was going to be a Dees nuts joke?