
PS4, then Wii U, then maybe and X1. I'm in it for games like Infamous, Killzone, Knack and so on. Sony to me seems to have more games that I'd like to play. I'm not knocking the X1, I mean I do want to play Halo and I'll prob buy a console when the game finally comes out, but as it stands, nothing on the X1 has me

I guess we'd really be in the Matrix then huh?

True. That it would.

The problem is the TL:DR group. It's hard to make everyone happy.

Do NOT name you child Oscar....He will be scarred for life.

Eh, I dunno. Old KI moved faster on the 64. It seemed like they tried to do too much. It looked more like SF IV then a KI game. I also don't like the guy screaming out the Combo's. I feel that it's not the same. Hell, they could have gotten that guy from Epic Rap Battles to do the job. jk....well maybe not.

Guess I'mma have to cut back from 270 to fit in one of these....Damn it. Here I thought being a gym nut would help me......

IMO it seems to me that your simply afraid to try something new. That's the easiest way to put it. Everything you mention here, you can do with a smartphone. If you don't want the features it's easy. You don't have to use them. You also have the ability to simply turn off the phone. I have a smart phone and I have the

I'm a fan of his music, but not of him if that makes sense.

Was expecting a "your mom" joke by now to appended to this by now.

Ok, I for one am just looking forward to playing this game. I really could care less if this is historically accurate as far as slavery goes. It's something that happened so long ago that I really do not care. Now that I set that fuse to blow, let me explain. I as a black American understand the significance of

You serious? I hate the Xbox controller about as much as you love it. I hate the placement of the buttons and everything. The PS controller just feels more comfortable to me. but to each their own right?

Yes, your right, and then after that you have to worry about trying to learn how to play with the "almighty" mouse and keyboard because god forbid you say you would rather use a controller. You would get no help, you would be told how superior the mouse and keyboard is and that if you have a computer you should learn

Look, I'm not going to argue with you there. I build my own rig's, but people out there don't want to invest in a computer when they really don't know about them. I get questions all the time from people who have no idea what to do when it comes to computers. But they all know how to work an PS3/Xbox. It's the way

FFVII was extremely innovative when it came out on PS1. Too tired to really look into all the games, but there were quite a few innovate titles that a started on console and worked their way to PC. But I will agree that innovation as a whole is stagnant in the industry as a whole.

That's not what he said. He said that when THINKING of the Xbox those are the games that come to mind.

Glad to see that your gloss over everything. The point is some people know nothing about a computer and don't want to learn. That's the end all be all. So they get a console because it's like buying an Apple device. All the thinking is done for you and you don't have to worry about it. I can take your argument and

The opposite could be said about games such as Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, Just about everything Ubisoft has released as of late, Halo 2, etc etc. We could go back and forth on this all day. The real fact of this is, some games are ported from the console to the PC and some are ported from the PC to the console.