sign, not the point. I really hate when people do this. Comments like these are the reason people don't bother to try. Seriously.
sign, not the point. I really hate when people do this. Comments like these are the reason people don't bother to try. Seriously.
Aw man. This is up there with the Koren rip off of Battlefield 3.
I agree with you, but I also see the message this send. I know for a fact that people jack people's stuff up all the time at other places like McDonalds and Burger King for example. Movies like "waiting" have some truth to em. When things like this happen it kinda makes it so that things like that don't happen. If I…
I think your being a bit close minded about this. There are a TON of sports that I as an "real" athlete (basketball player) feel are bullshit sports (not saying the activity is bullshit, but I don't think the activity should be considered a sport. e.g.
If you really feel like this, why not just wait until the second gen PS4's to get one? I had a 1st Gen PS3 up until last year. I've been through 7 Xbox 360's. You know that when anything is mass produced, there's going to be hiccups. You take a chance getting one of the news ones. Can't really complain when you KNOW…
Gotta say that the "whoring" part is a bit strong, but if that's how you see it. I see it as someone who really likes to cos play and they are acting out their fantasies. I have to say that I draw the line at this and "whoring" I don't think this quite qualifies. Now if she was on stage getting gang banged (like they…
Wait, you liked CC? I thought that it was lacking a lot of the first games elements. That's just my opinion tho....... (runs and hides)
I never go by online reviews. I go by the reviews of people I trust and by what I've bought myself. If I like a company, I buy their stuff until the have a epic fail moment, then it's on to the next one.
I guess it's a East cost thing because I've seen them all along 95.
Wait, you game on your streaming box? I'd figured that you'd just dedicate it to media. If that's not the case, then why even create a media server? I mean, me personally, I plan on putting one on the network and then hooking it up to my wifi because I want to be able to stream to all my devices. Am I thinking the…
Gotta say I'm a ASUS fanboy. I tend to purchase their stuff more. Not all the time, but I look for their stuff first and then do price matching. Everything I've bought from them has been pretty solid. Not always the best, but solid.
Not gonna do the whole "fire" thing, but people have to watch what they say. Just because you have the ability to do or say something doesn't mean you should do it. A more realistic approach would be what if he had said all of this and we ignored it as just being stupid and he actually did what he said despite the…
This is just a sign of insecure people. Someone who is confident in themselves would not do something like put down someone else to make them feel better about themselves. This is a sad and childish way to try and become a"cool" kid in the group. I thought we were past these days. Obviously we are not.
Soooo, your trolling right?
Am I the only person who thought the main character looked like "The Rock" a little bit?
You and me both.
I really don't think it was the statement that pissed people off, it's HOW it came across. We all know that when you read something on the internet it's ALWAYS taken the worst way possible. I do think it's a bit narrow to say what he said, but it's his business and he has the right to run it however he wants and thus…
Because EA is known to do things like this. Like Dead Space 3 before they modified it. If you ran out of ammo, you could purchase more, but you had to pay REAL money to do so. This seems to go along the same lines.
Does this have real time battle? I kinda got turned off because of the FFXIII battle system. Is it the same as that or is it more like KH? I can't really tell from the video.