
Not to undermine what your overall statement, but China is already considered one of the biggest rip off countries already. So I personally feel that stigmata is not going to hurt them. I think as was stated by Whiteblaze, if they take the style and simply create their own artwork with it, they will be fine. They have

Oh yeah. Especially in NY.

I know you wrote this like 2 years ago, but man. I really have to agree with you. This was WELL done. I applaud you good sir.

I feel that by purchasing the game, you agree that it's ok. You knew what you were getting into when you picked up the game. This is kinda like hearing people complain about the hookers in GTA. Yeah they are there, but you don't have to do anything with them, but you don't like the fact that they are there, but yet

Wow, I thought I was the only person who knew about this book.

I dunno. I feel that just about anything EA touches turns up like crap. That's just my opinion. I mean look at their track record. Dead Space 3, NFS Most Wanted, Dragons Age II...The list goes on and on.

I too have to confess that your right. I did make a blanket statement and I will definitely refrain from doing so in the future. Your right, what might be good for me might not be for other people. I will do have to agree that the Edge is a sexy beast. If I were able to get something like that with a 17 inch screen

Wow, I was going to argue with you, but I see that you made my point for me.

You miss the point. You can still buy a better laptop for a cheaper price is what he's getting at. Plus, let's all be realistic, you are NOT going to game on a screen this small. If you are, you might as well get a 3DS or a Vita.

I'm not saying that this would be a bad idea, I'm just saying that both companies are know to get what they can from each other and then step over whoever they got them from. But then again, that's business in general. You know what. eff it. I'll take up the battle cry with you. #ps4google

This is a slippery slope. If you yell "FIRE" in a crowded building and claim it was a joke, you still get in trouble. But I WILL agree that 8 years is a bit much. I'd just give him a fine and call it a day.

Not so much as what someone else is saying, but it goes like this. If you and I both have similar taste in something and you tell me that it's no good. Chances are I'm going to think the same. Now, that's obviously not something to live by but it's a gauge. It might not make me not get the game, I might just wait a

It also depends on who starts creating for what first. For instance, look at FFXIII. Both of the games look amazing, but the PS3 version smokes the Xbox version. Also, games that fully utilize the hardware show you exactly what you can do with the systems. I really thought that the Xbox wasn't worth shit graphically

Add some beats by dre and you'd have an epidemic.

The best way to describe this would be to look at the PS3 patch that just came out that had an effect on a lot of users. I'm sure they tested it before they released it, but it still nerf'd a lot of consoles. Then they released a patch for the patch after they found out the new problem. Also, patching something may

The problem with that is Sony is know to rip idea and then run off and create something on their own. Point in case, that's how the Playstation got it's life to begin with. The idea was taken from Nintendo back in the day. I'm just saying. I'd like to see Google and Sony match up, but I can see a very bad break up

Negative there ghost rider. They are sitting on about 10 billion (us currency). They could easily buy Atlus. I think this would be just as bad as if SquareEnix bought them.


One better, had someone remake the intro for me.