
Amen. They all went downhill after this.

Don't feed the trolls.

Your totally pulling this out of context. If you dress up a certain way, people ARE going to look at you. That's just human nature. If I walk around on FIRE people are going to look. Point being, if you dress up a certain way your going to get attention. I'm not condoning being a pig, but I will say that your (not


It was supposed to end there. The show became so popular that they forced the show to go on. True Story.

And please tell me how many MILLION they made with both of those? In fact, when is the last time you've seen either of those two anywhere but in an Arcade? Why, because it's like the article stated. They are novelty, and once it wears off, your getting owned by people playing on a controller. I'm telling you right

I really would love to believe that. I tell you what, if there was a retail store on there in competition w/ Microsoft I'd be all for it, but I don't really see it happen. I'd really like to eat crow on this one, but I just don't see it coming around that way.

you still never answered my question. Show me where now Microsoft has lowered the price of the games that are now out. You make my point by showing that because of a choice, the prices are cheaper. If we remove that, then what incentive does Microsoft have to lower their prices? You bring up Minecraft, but you do

I really think that they won't do that any time soon. Everytime they've tried it they've gotten kicked in the teeth.

Correction. OLD people resist change. a LOT of people voted on this with their money and M$ lost. I said in another post that if M$ had give people the option to opt in, this would have been different. I would have gladly paid up for the same service if given the ability to choose to do it.

Who said you still can't download the games? They never recanted the ability to have day 1 digital downloads.

Where does everyone get this awesome idea that if we buy into M$ they are going to lower prices. Here's a better question, when the hell are they going to start lowering the prices on the games they have out NOW. (Go check the prices of the Xbox digital games now and then go do a Amazon search for the same game new

I can't say I agree with your statement. There's a HUGE difference between Steam and the way M$ does business. Steam isn't the only company that sells games on the internet. There's GOG for one. On the X1, Microsoft WILL be the only one that can sell games ON the console (not talking about being able to go to the

I know right?

Yeah, screw that. Not that I plan on getting the Ban hammer any time soon. But I've dealt with their customer service before and I'd rather jump into a pool of glass and swim laps before doing that again.

On a tangent here. Apple is currently in court because of this.....

Not true. Microsoft has a complete lock on the prices. Check the price of the games they have now and look online (Gears of War Judgement or if you want to go older Wolverine Origins) and you'll notice that Microsoft downloadable games are about 10 dollars more than it's physical retail copy. Why? Because Microsoft

Not so sure of that. Do you know how much Gears of War: Judgement is still going for? Hell, an OLD game. Xmen- wolverine Origins. Check the Amazon prices and the Xbox price. If they pull a Steam, I'm all on board. But it looks like they are price gouging because they have a closed market.

holy shit...... So if you get the ban hammer, it's a wrap. You really do have a 500 dollar brick. *whistles*