
He’s no worse than Tannehill. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

But you guys win so many games!

I agree that it’s a good looking car over all. I just can’t move my eyes away from that grille for too long before I’m drawn back in, wondering why the developers chose “catfish” as their inspiration.

Ahhhh, and now I know why someone sent me pictures of this tire and asked me what I think happened to it. Just from the pictures I said it looked like the tire was rotted and blew out. I thought it was a weird ass random thing for one of my friends to ask me about.

People don’t pay a lick of attention to their tires and sharing the road with them should be a terror-inducing thought.

Tell them to comb the desert, you hear me!

A well crafted handle or knob is something that is so over-looked in the design of modern cars. It’s not just about looks, it’s the feel too

This is good advice. I also like the disposable oil pens for first timers or those who don’t like actual smoking but are okay with vaping.

Like have never taken weed? I would get a light joint and stay away from edibles until you know how you’ll react/what your tolerance is.

Whoever narc’d is a dick

I’m curious as to how long a table lamp would run on this thing — Where I have table lamps, there’s no outlet anywhere near them, but i’d like to be able to use them without running a power cord across the room....this might just be the solution....

I’m curious as to how long a table lamp would run on this thing — Where I have table lamps, there’s no outlet

The guy who believes coal should be a main energy source for the future is not going to tighten fuel economy regulations....

We already have a picture of a Beetle posted.

Yeah you should get a Toyota Yaris or Saturn Ion instead...

Especially when it comes to the EJ-25, the type of oil is nearly negligible, because it all burns off! Ask my, I would know. An oil change is more like a ‘topping off.’

The fact that he was falsely accused of a crime is just further proof that Whitehead isn’t Cowboys material.

He can throw a football through a tire, make free throws, and make 3 foot putts. I bet he can also hit a baseball off a tee, and run a mile in under 15 minutes.

I keep thinking about John Mara saying he got a bunch of letters from ticketholders saying they’d stop going to games if he ever signed Kap. Mara and his fans had zero problem keeping a kicker on the team who had 20 incidents of domestic violence in his past, and Mara defended Brown when the allegations became known.