
Meanwhile, US car companies are talking about easing regulations so they can scrap some tech and make a cheaper shittier car.

Yup, a $30k salary in the DC area will likely net you a couch in someone’s living room for a home, or if you don’t like to eat, a basement apartment in Alexandria.

They should toss weighted dummies instead of kegs. How far can you throw a 210 lbs “QB”?

It would be hilarious if they had a TD celebration competition. I’d watch every minute.

Was this not televised? Just last week I was talking with my buddies about how they need to do more skills competitions like they do for NBA All-Star week. No one gives a shit about the ProBowl, because they’re not seriously playing, but skills competitions can be pretty fun to watch.

Don’t worry, 85% of the time you’re still right 100% of the time..

But there were brown people in line Manny!

Spot on with the Dline pressure. The most vulnerable Brady I’ve ever seen was in the SB vs Giants with one of the best Dlines ever assembled. I don’t even think their defensive scheme was that complicated, but Strahan, Osi, and Tuck simply outmanned the Pats Oline. To this day, it was the only time I’ve seen Brady

Also, I missed the fight, how were the two olds on the main card? I’ve grown to enjoy the carnival aspect of Bellator.

If it makes you feel any better, EVERY photographer takes an awful lot of useless photos. Usually, what gets published is like 2-5% of actual photos taken.

You don’t necessarily need a DSLR, learning to frame a shot will enable you to take good pics with most cameras. Even a smartphone with good lighting can take a pretty fantastic photo nowadays. Not trying to dog on you, I appreciate your contributions, just a little photography tip. Knowing how to frame a shot and not

Not if she’s in a different zipcode.


Which means it’s technically not related to its sister!

He’ll start a war in year 3 and ride it through to reelection to make it 8. Whether he can make it through the first 2 years is the question.

Did you really? I’m honestly asking, because people do do shit like that. There was a person in a full gorilla suit doing the one I was in, but don’t think that person finished with it on. My cousin did an entire marathon dressed as Psy from Gangnam Style, dress shoes and all (he crazy). Personally, I’m just happy to

If you’re commuting around NYC, you want something with metal front and rear bumpers. Something you won’t have to worry about scratching up when parked on the side of the road, and can take the abuse of shit roads. There is only one answer...

Actually, you can wait a couple weeks, but it should be taken care of ASAP. I completely tore mine running Tough Mudder, but thought it was just a sprained calf muscle until I realized a few days later that it wasn’t healing at all and was something much worse. I didn’t have health insurance at the time, so I gave it

I can go out and not worry about getting loaded and being too tired to drive back home. Or I can say, “fuck rush hour” and literally fuck while I’m in rush hour without having to pull over.

They could, but it’s too dangerous to stop from.. they’d have to slow down first.