
Look up Eddie Bello

All I care is that it means Alshon Jeffrey might finally be productive again.

Ha. I have the exact opposite problem. If I drank too much and am feeling nauseous, weed balances me out. But yeah, different for everyone.

If corporations can be people, then banks can play football!

I don’t know about that. For some people, one helps balance out the other.

You forgot Pornhub.

I’ve been a Skins fan for a long time, so I can relate to needing a side piece every season. I’ll always root for my team to do well and they get priority, but when your team sucks so bad in a sport you love, you have to find another team to that might actually have a chance, to root for as well. Fantasy football has

Have sex 180 times?

Keep drinking, they’ll look hot eventually.

Yeah, but when I drop a heavy toolbox in the bed will it gash up like the fragile aluminum bed of the Ford? What are the opinions of the “real people” that seemingly know nothing about automobiles think of this truck? Cause that’s what matters most when I make my purchasing decisions, the opinions of real uninformed

You mean a fried chicken organization...

The irony is that Hoyer will still probably outscore Palmer this week.

Just drown the acid in some syrup ay.

I wonder how many of his supporters knows he prefers well done steak? If any flaw might get to that crowd, it just might be that one. Hills should run a few campaign ads promoting it, then it’ll force Trump to eat a rare steak in public.

For regular fried chicken yes, but KFC’s honey BBQ hot wings, mac & cheese, and potatoes wedges are on point. Pot pie pretty dank too.

Yeah that one made my blood boil a bit. I wonder how many are people trolling vs legit complaints, but if this election season has taught me anything, it’s that we’re surrounded by assholes.

Has any of Trump’s children worked somewhere that wasn’t owned by their father?

I read this in Jessica Walter’s voice.

Yes, fries must be ordered well done or they’re awful. I don’t know why it’s not standard, or who actually enjoys non-crispy fries.