
Schwartz is solid, definitely up there, but I give it to Wade Phillips for doing it for longer. Before the Broncos he had the Texans D in the top 10 every year, and before that as HC of the Cowboys, their D was solid until he ceded defensive play calling duties to focus on other responsibilities as HC. And that’s just

I’ll enjoy watching it, but beware Kyle Shananigans. He’ll try to get cute again, he’ll resist for a bit, but as long as he’s the OC, it’ll come back out again. To his credit, I think he makes a pretty solid playbook I just don’t like him calling plays.

Is Kyle Shananigans still the OC of the Falcons? I give them till week 7 before the offense starts unraveling.

Gaaawwd, that Vikes defense looks good. I’d give the edge to the Broncos for having more offensive playmakers, but it could really go either way. Bradford would surely get hurt though.

Don’t know about ever, but Phillips is probably the best DC today. He’s been a solid DC everywhere he’s been, and I was pissed when the Skins passed him up... Especially for fucking Joe Berry. Phillips is best as a DC though, cause he’s very mid level as a HC. I understand the appeal of being a HC, but I hope he stays

Not enough stars

How is The Ginger Hammer not a porn name already?

Ugh, you’re going to make me watch FS1?? J/K. That’s awesome man, I’ll check it out. Bisping’s a solid fighter, no argument there, and he definitely gained a new respect for me as a fighter after Rockhold, but I still can’t stand the guy. I think a large part of it stems from the first time I saw Bisping fight, which

You don’t, but you see a preview with Tomi Tayor and think maybe you should check it out.

Roger Goodell is the dude that ruins a good porn by groaning louder than the woman the entire time.

We all got our idiots.

Yeah, Bisping has been trash talking as long as I’ve ever know of him. I can’t stand him but he’s a solid fighter. Which will make it even sweeter when Hendo drops him for the 2nd time.

100%. Interesting you brought up Chael, I guess Conor kinda took the shit talking mantle over didn’t he? Conor’s a lot better at it though.

Ali is GOAT at trash talk in sports. But for boxing as a whole, UFC is using manufactured fighter beefs better for promotion. They do it with almost every fight really; how many times have you seen Dana White “hold” two fighters back during a weigh in? It’s like standard procedure now, but it gets a pass because the

UFC has gotten a lot better than boxing ever was at faking beef and stirring controversy to promote a fight. The fights are pretty solid themselves, but realize a lot of this shit talking is an act. And I’m fine with that, because I enjoy fights so much more when the fighters seem like they hate each other. When the

RG3 in coma.

Thanks! Sunset makes it easy. I need to go back soon to catch the foliage. Hopefully with another exotic car.

Rented an Aston Martin with my cuz one day and had some fun on Skyline Drive.

Raiders are becoming a much better team, but their defense is still atrocious. Might even be worse than last year so far, but they got the talent and can still right the ship. Carolina struggled offensively against a Minny D that’s playing lights out and could probably finish as a top 3 D. Shame Minny lost Bridgewater