I was thinking more about racism from society in general. Like if I had to drive through Alabama and make a few stops, would I have less problems looking black or “Arab”?
I was thinking more about racism from society in general. Like if I had to drive through Alabama and make a few stops, would I have less problems looking black or “Arab”?
Talk about two wrong sides of a coin. I don’t know if it’s worse in the US if you look black or Arab nowadays.
In the media for sure, because it’s easier to follow and digest. On the personal level, I think a lot of people who refuse to openly acknowledge gray areas actually knows there is one, but refuse to admit their ignorance in the complexity of the matter.
Mixed race people do have a very unique experience in life though. You try to identify with different cultural identities, while at some point struggling with which one you’re more of. A surprising amount of people will look at you like a halfbreed. Like some people of your own race, will try to outcast you because…
He cannot understand what I face and what other young black men and black people face, or people of color face, on a every single (day) basis.
Not just police either. Dude at FootLocker that Harrison was talking about... they don’t know where you’re from. Being stared at and followed around a retail store because of how you look... they don’t know either. Having the cops called on you when you’re knocking on the door to see if a shop is open so you can buy…
I might actually watch baseball if that happened. Only for the shit show though. On the Tebow note, I really hope Terrelle Pryor makes it as a WR and kicks some ass. Dude was humble enough to listen and change positions unlike Tebow. Though Tbone probably has a lot more career options because of his fanbase.
There are validities to an extent, but I don’t think it often gets applied appropriately. There’s certainly a difference in cultural upbringing, but that could apply to black people born and raised in the US in different neighborhoods too. You’re going to have a lot of different life experiences growing up in…
Obama’s not black enough though! - according to Ben Sleepy Carson and Alan Should’veBeenCourtMarshalled West.
When it comes to racism, all you need to be is the wrong skin color. That’s why it’s racism. It doesn’t matter where you grew up, what you accomplished, how you dress, how you act... in the eyes of racists you’re still a nigger, chink, gook, wetback, spick, polock, Trumpster, etc...
I totally forgot about that, but you made a very good point! They really did go that approach. Lol.. the Browns. At least they’re good for fantasy football. As in, start anyone playing against Browns. I still kinda want to see Bayless become a GM or HC of a team so I can watch him find excuses of why they lost so…
I’m really surprised they didn’t try to make a move for Foles. Would’ve been cheap and dude’s a solid system QB.
I honestly feel like Trump is the Skip Bayless of politics. Their entire motivation is ratings, not logic or accuracy. Imagine if the Browns just said, “Fuck it we’re tired of losing with football people. Let’s get an outsider. Let’s hire Bayless to run the team.”
I can attest to this. I just also realized that all the bullies I had in MS and HS were baseball players..
Skip Bayless is like if Trump covered sports.
Don’t buy the ruse. Kaep might be a free agent soon and Trump’s just giving him free financial advice. Which he’ll bill for later.
Strippers and cocaine
And I doubt dude is going to make it a dedicated track car. If it’s for racing and you need every fraction of a second, fine. But in any other instance it won’t matter. And if for some reason you do feel the drag of the headlights at night... You could always press the gas more.
This will be his last campaign manager. The rest of the election will be a prelude to the Breitbart/Trump/Ailes cable news channel. Where they tell it like it is.