Like a nice back up QB gig. The Charlie Batch way of life.
Like a nice back up QB gig. The Charlie Batch way of life.
I like how at the end, the guys in the truck decided to just go on about their day after dude fell in the well.
+16 achievement points: eskimo brothers
Cars would be ok, but Leisure Suit Larry version would be much better. Go around town collecting various sex toys and prophylactics. Have sex battles with those you encounter. Trade sub slaves. Gain fuck powers.
Spend the extra $60 and buy from Amazon for piece of mind. Plus Prime delivery, so you’ll most likely get it sooner too. Even at $650, it’s pretty amazing that you can get a Samsung 50" 4K, HDR, LED tv nowadays. But I’ve witnessed OLED panels and it was jaw dropping..
Spend the extra $60 and buy from Amazon for piece of mind. Plus Prime delivery, so you’ll most likely get it sooner…
Ends in a paycheck, which I think is all that matters for Silva right now.
Unlike other movie experiences though, you’ll have to get your own damn popcorn!
If you ain’t first you’re last!
Tesla Co-Pilot
Does your car use the radiator to cool the transmission as well? Do you smell anything sweet after a drive?
To improve performance and MPG, overinflate the tires so they’re well rounded, which decreases the rolling resistance of the tire and frees up about 10% of hp. Since less power is being lost, your MPG will jump 10% as well. Fill your tire with helium and BOOM, extra 15% MPG increase.
Nope, the bee defense did not work! She actually might’ve gotten away with it if she wasn’t a repeat offender though. The best part was her chubby, sleazy lawyer in an ill fitted suit. Imagine Jack Black playing Lionel Hutz as a traffic court defender. It was awesome.
Supposedly, she was driving with her kids in the car and in fear for their safety, she opened windows and drove faster so the bee would fly out.
My one time in traffic court, I saw a woman’s lawyer plea the bee defense for speeding. It was hilarious.
Finally the Leave campaign has done something positive.
After a good $20,000 grand into it, he’ll have a nice clunker that runs 11's and handles like an old Buick.
The closest thing I’ve experienced to an autonomous car is Tesla’s AutoPilot feature, which worked remarkably well. It does have inherent weaknesses, but it actually performs better in traffic. From what I was explained, it primarily uses proximity sensors and a camera to read the road and traffic. The proximity…
Considering how awful drivers are in China, autonomous cars could legitimately make the roads much safer.