Big Block I-4

Jackie Chan is/was and absolute mad man with stunts.

Oh boy, what a rough day for that agent. Also, what a dummy!

It is common practice on these type of events from what I know. Maybe they didn’t but I would bet they did, if I had to wager.

They most all get insurance for these things. It is relatively cheap so you can run the promo a bunch of times before break even and if someone wins, you are back to zero on break even. 

While I agree with what you are saying as to why it happens, maybe there is a total allowance on interest collected to original loan value? Not sure that would really work as it kind of nullifies interest rates to some extent, but maybe it could at least help a bit? 

I know Exeter is on blast here, but they aren’t the only ones that do this stuff. CACC (Credit acceptance corporation) is another big one. And I am sure there are a bunch of others out there.

Yep, that is about right.

Yes, but just means a lot of inventory and low turn rate.

You kind of did it backwards. Days supply says that if they didn’t get another vehicle delivered, they would go 410 days before selling out of all inventory. Goal day supply pre-pandemic for most OEM’s all of inventory on ground was 45-60 days. Some OEM’s are still sub 20 days supply of total on ground inventory. 

I have had to do this a bunch in the past few years due to some real whacky battery stuff. My Highlander Hybrids battery was going out, but AAA told me it was fine. So, I ended up having to jump it multiple times. Then they had the audacity to not reimburse me for a my battery (I get one free one ever so many years)

That is probably about right. I mean, I think there are entire fields of lawyers that are probably mostly good, you just don’t hear about them much. Like, I know a guy that works in medical patents, he will never be in the news, and I feel like most of his work is of good nature and his wife was a trial attorney in

Yep, as I said in another comment. The insurance company has two goals, collect premium and not pay out. They will do whatever they can to accomplish those two things. Agree that the dealer group could have or should have pushed back on the denial in this case, but they weren’t making up BS when they said it was an

I agree with you on this for the most. Was just pointing out that the insurance part was probably the truth. But they should have just honored it even if their insurance wasn’t going to pay it. 

I completely agree with you. Was just pointing out that the dude probably was not lying about the insurance part. But he took the shit way out and tried to get out of it. 

The lease is probably worth more than $5k, they just offered $5k cash as an option to the lease. But even if it was worth say $5k all in, the insurance is probably pretty cheap, so you can do the event a ton of times before you start to not break even on getting the insurance and just one occurrence of it happening

Damn, that would hurt. And suing the charity is obviously not a good look and I also think an easy denial anyway if he wasn’t registered. Those hole in ones usually have player level disqualifications in them too. Some I have been in they video your entire shot too, it is crazy. But I guess if $50k is on the line,

Yep, those insurance companies are good at one, well I guess two things. Collecting premium and not paying out, those being their main operating goals. 

I agree and that is what my second paragraph was mostly about. I also had no idea what BTFU meant and when I searched for it I got, Botswana Federation of Trade Unions. But I am assuming the second one I got, Boiler the Fudge (I assume fuck also works here) up, is the right version.

I will probably get some flak here, but it most likely was an insurance-based denial. Any of these contests that you see to win prizes (hole in one, kick a fg, make free throws, etc.), the sponsor company will get insurance for them. And it is really up to the insurance company to pay out the prize if it is won.

Agree, Sollei looks pretty good. The Celestiq, not so much and that name is pretty bad too.