I am going with a big power comfy cruiser. Something like a S-class or Lexus LS.
I am going with a big power comfy cruiser. Something like a S-class or Lexus LS.
Conquest cash is pretty prevalent in the car marketing world. It doesn’t happen all the time, but there is usually an offer like this out there somewhere on some vehicles.
I switched to NJM two years ago and saved a ton over State Farm, but I think NJM is very limited in states they cover. Our home insurance went up like $400, but I saved around $1k a year on car insurance.
I see the morning shift from about 2 hours ago or so. But yea, other than that, I don’t see anything.
Honestly, pretty much any car from the past 20 years, if taken well care of will last a long time. Now, the amount of money it takes to take good care of some cars is not worth the squeeze, so YMMV. My ‘07 Highlander Hybrid is getting ready to hit 291k miles and all I do is routine, on-time maintenance. Change the oil…
I was just talking about this with my wife. Wasn’t it the V6/trans combo that was the real issue?
I am not talking purely about “breaking cup holders”, but just about kids doing silly stuff and making mistakes. Just calling out a bad design in what would be a family car for most people that buy one. I didn’t ask if you broke cup holders, just if you ever did anything silly, wrong or dumb. Because we all have.
Agree that it isn’t worth the MSRP. But when they are kicking in almost $18k ($7,500 from gov) and artificially inflating residual, it is a solid deal. Especially if you don’t really need a ton of range and have easy access to a home charger or even a regular 110v plug.
Yea, I just meant around actual stated goals for Tesla the car company. His change may have happened before on a personal level. But on a business level, they were still “just” a car company.
Yea, I can agree with that. He is a master of deception for his following masses and they always seem to follow him. Even if the cliff is just a head and he is wearing a parachute on his back.
Damn, why can this be on the right coast? Not that I really want this car, but if it was close to me, I just might buy it.
I did not know that, thanks for that info! I was definitely referring to the tech bro usage of that saying. The engineering part makes way more and much better sense. The tech usage is shorthand for, “fuck you, I got mine”, well maybe not short, but more “PC”.
I am in my 30's, but not 30 anymore. Much closer to the end of them now.
Haha, yep. I haven’t gotten that one yet, but I am sure I will soon. T-shirts and jeans aren’t going anywhere, but the types and styles will change. Don’t worry, the childrens will just think you are old since you are rocking the style of 5-10 years ago. My wife teaches middle schoolers, it is HARD out there for us 30…
Hell yea vacuum of space! Make us all equal (in terminal velocity)!
Yep, by a feather.
Dude, they are kids without fully formed brains. It isn’t their fault they do dumb and/or silly shit. It isn’t a “sad” situation, it just is what it is. Those cup holders would also be broken by a clumsy adult. But please, tell me how you were a perfect child that never did anything wrong, silly or dumb... I’ll wait.
Yea, I mean there have to be SOME good ones out there. People that actually hold parties accountable for doing bad things. Also, public defenders probably are at least decent in that realm. But once you get into accident lawyers and defense attorneys, that is when things go downhill FAST.
Yep, back in Aprill they had a $0 down, $189/month lease on MY ‘23s. It was essentially half off MSRP. For someone with access to even a 110v plug, that doesn’t drive much it is a great deal.
Depending on where you live, there may not be a lot of them around. I live in a ZEV state so I see them pretty frequently and I almost got my wife one back in April. $0 down, $189/month lease and we could easily charge on a 110v plug since she drives so little. But with both our cars paid off and hers getting 45 MPG,…