Big Block I-4

I just don’t think someone that is 70+ years old can be in tune with what people need/want at a high level. Nor do I think anyone over 70 has the same cognitive abilities that they did 20+ years ago. I am not just talking about Biden, I am talking about every politician that is 65+ years old. Major corps force people

So, if someone is having a shitty day and does something shitty, but not physically harmful, identity theft is on the table? Also, looks like that wasn’t where it ended, and you have no idea what she ended up doing and how it may have harmed or hurt innocent people.

We need age limits for politicians and FAST. Why should someone who will be dead in max 15 years be making decisions that affect people that have another 40-70 years left here, it is insane. I know I will get some guff, but voting could deal with some age limits too. When I am 70+, my opinion shouldn’t matter as much

I mean, they can all do that if they want. not saying it is right, but if you have that option, why wouldn’t you take advantage of it? 

Yep, that seems to be the case.

I work in the auto industry and I think what we are seeing right now is a few different things. I think production (IE. high end builds) were preferenced over cheaper ones due to the ‘20-’22 run and now they are starting to sit. That will slowly change. In the meantime, incentives are coming back to something near

2 more years (or is it 7?)until we can import them!!!

That is sound reasoning and makes sense. I kind of was just trying to make up my own acronym there for fun. I also have no idea what the “federalist society” is.

This is true.

I lived in Ucity and Fairmount for about 10 years and never owned a car. I took the Bus and Subway everywhere or rode my bike. From insurance to parking and general car related issues, I can’t see owning a car if you live in a high density part of a large city unless you ABSOLUTELY need one. And I mean that in a

Yea, but people still try and substantiate the value, I guess a lot like bitcoin.

Yep, agree. Honestly, it should be more valuable than all the other auto OEM’s combined PLUS Apple, Microsoft and Nivida.

Haha, maybe!

Not really a “scheme” since they have delivered and monetized/generated revenue from those deliveries. And I think most decent investors can get registration numbers if they really want.

That because with the Lucid you aren’t really driving it other than putting your foot down and keeping your hands straight. Sure, an auto car is similar in that sense too, but with an EV it just kind does it. You could run the same times with a brick and the wheel bolted down straight.

Yea, $75k with that brand mission statement is crazy to me.

Don’t worry, someone will try and say it is valued correctly due to something that makes no sense. Maybe it will be that lower margin business of reselling electric or robots or AI or who knows what. But the one thing you can be sure of, someone WILL try to substantiate it. 

While I agree with that, just pointing out that using 30 years isn’t a great RNIPOOMA (Random number I pulled out of my ass).

Now playing

Tons of examples of wild Elephants destroying shit and killing other animals just for fun.

Better yet, owning a car in Philly, if he is at Drexel, Penn, Temple or LaSalle is just dumb (or one of the other lesser known but in the city schools). My wife had one (needed it for her job out on the main line) and it was way more a pain than it was worth unless you shelled out for a private parking lot. All my