Big Block I-4

He left out a VERY important part of this, what college in Philly or is it not really in Philly and he is on the mainline? I went to school there and my school plus the other three well known city colleges, having a car is asinine at best. Get a bike Aiden!

Why not? By that theory, my shooting/killing an Elephant (or any other animal) that is threatening me is just a person being a person and protecting themselves like every other animal on earth does.

And Musth, that part about Elephants isn’t great either, especially if you are near one at the time.

I mean, of the 9, in 30 years it is likely that at least 5 of them will be dead. Even the youngest two would be 82 and 83 in 30 years. I don’t think Clarence is making it to 106. 

Wow, fantastic rundown and insight. I have a feeling you may be in finance as a profession! So they essentially misjudged how high rates would go and locked in long term T-bills at rates that are well under current CD rates. I guess they still have to offer CD’s to keep AUM, but seems like a bad business move to keep

Yea, but people will continual buy whatever he sells. People are talking about their valuation based on selling electrons with an open charger network while ignoring that power companies have not great profit margins. 

Great financial insight. Is yield exposure from having people with longer terms than they have on their own money? Or from lower interest loans that they have locked into lower interest gaining vehicles? Or something else? I am not an expert in banks, but am OK at looking at and figuring out balance sheets, cash flow

I think their wiki page does say, “one of the largest banks in the mid-west”. But definitely not in the world or even the US.

Haha, that is true. I am not a Wizard but, “more than 100%” was right there!

The CX-50 and Corolla Cross are built in the same plant and I would also bet that ALL of Mazda’s hybrid tech is based on Toyota tech since they first started using Prius tech on license back in like 2010.

Classic “look over here, not over there” con. Just like a pick pocket.

Yep. .8% growth in a years time while most EV sales are profit losers is not a good look. If these were being sold at even break even, sales figures MIGHT be flat, but probably down YoY.

If current EV market is 8% and Tesla is less than 50% of that, I don’t think they are 5% of total sales, they are less than 4%.

I get it, just looks funny to see an indy car in what is essentially someone’s back yard shed.

Yea, I get that. Just saying that using the fine to AUM isn’t a great metric since banks aren’t usually making a ton off AUM in a normal rate environment. Looks like this bank, as I assume with most, makes most money off loans, but the last two years have been gangbusters in the interest on deposits sector.

“...United States production by more than 85% over the past 25 years, the report said, going from about 2.4 million to 4.9 million.”

Although I agree that this fine isn’t huge. It is 10% of their operating profit from 2023, so it isn’t exactly small. Bank assets are not a great measure of a banks value or even close to it.

Definitely not “one of the largest banks in the world” they are 22nd in the US and not even in the top 100 as far as assets go in the world.

Yep, the Yaris and 2 were essentially the same vehicle. Toyota has strong ties with Mazda and Subaru, not as much with Honda and Nissan. But most of the Japanese companies work together in some capacity. Toyota actually owns like 5% of Mazda too and Mazda owns a whole .25% of Toyota.

Yes, I can agree with that. Unfortunately, there is a lot of speculation and hopes in the stock market. DJT is just one of many companies with inflated Mcaps, Tesla being another one I would argue.