Big Block I-4

I don’t know the mechanics on returning a car from dealer to OEM. But once it has been delivered the dealer has it on its floor plan loan and the OEM gets the money from the floor plan financier. From how it works, I would assume the only way for the dealer to not get it would be to turn down allocation. Which is

Yea, that isn’t gonna do anything. When I replaced my wife’s old Acura’s cat, I sold it to some dude with out of state plates in a mini-van with maybe 100 already in there. I know they weren’t all obtained legally, mine was, but no way this guy was just picking up cats from a ton of home mechanics that had replaced

5% of a model up for resale at one time is really high, I think you need to try your math again on the R1T and get back to us.

I don’t know what Tesla does on a yearly or constant basis, but I highly doubt it is above and beyond a normal OEM and the refinements/changes they make constantly, and then they do more frequent heavy updates.

It’s just a joke, not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.

This seems extremely expensive for what it is. Not sure how they can sell these for almost Accord and new all hybrid Camry prices while other compact hybrids start well under this price.

The ‘25 all hybrid Camry starts around $28k and gets 53/50 MPG the Corolla Hybrid is cheaper (starts around $24k all in) and I would bet the Civic gets similar mileage. I am not sure how they sell any of these, honestly. I mean, I know they will, but it seems way expensive.

$33k base for the S? Man, you have to REALLY want a mini to pay that. That is $2k more than a GTI with way less power.

Bring a Harpoon, it is Orca hunting season!

Those GOD DAMN ALIENS!!!! Maybe they will come back with the recipe for radar transparent black boxes. 

Yea, I knew the guy wasn’t BS’ing me as he had no reason to do that. I showed up with cash to pay for the car based on the Ebay auction and drive it home.

Unfortunately, what you described above would probably be a windfall for the dealer due to insurance payouts. Suing may do something, but with murky details and most likely a shady dealer with shady paperwork, it might not.

I just saw Toyota released the TRD Pro color for this year is “Mudbath”, I feel like that is pretty “dad”.

That sure is true, especially if an 18 year old Taurus is $6k.

Yea, just use radar transparent black box?

Seems more like my wife’s genre, but I’ll have to check it out.

Most OEM’s update vehicles yearly too, they just don’t really mention it and then do facelifts ever 2-3 years and major revamps 5-6 years or so, depending on the model. The fact that their “major revamp” on the 3 is seats, lighting, small exterior changes and fucking blind spot monitoring(really???) is pretty sad to

Of course they are profit driven, if anything you could say they would benefit to have people over value and thus over insure their vehicles. With agreed upon values, they don’t care what the value is since you pay for it.

It is “modded” per se, these were factory approved conversions with a warranty bought at a Dodge dealer.

Yep, my thoughts exactly. Suburbs are like the city without the convince while at least countryside had the benefit of being more remote and having real space to do stuff.