Big Block I-4

Funny you say that, when we moved from our old rental to the house that we bought, our insurance went up. We moved to a nicer area, with ample street parking on a low traffic street and a detached garage. But our new zip, “had higher losses” so up it went. We used to live in an area with row homes and packed parking

Yea, it is kind of a nightmare. But it has actually helped me with a few bad driving habits, so it isn’t all bad. 

Haha, happened to me with my buddy too! On the plus side, I can go in and edit trips to say I wasn’t driving or wasn’t in my car. 

Yep, exactly. Why would someone step in now, when they know the end is neigh? I guess if you really think that someone else is going to buy them you might, but I don’t see anything worth much there. Integrating another companies’ product into yours is not easy when it comes to cars.

The secret with Rock Auto is once you pick what you really need, try to get everything else from the same distribution center if you can. The have a little icon that pops up, you might pay a few extra bucks for a part, but you save $10 on another shipping location. They also send out 5% off coupons pretty frequently

Need to shop around a bit. Without knowing the exact size I found some for around $800 for a full set, need to have them put on the wheels, but that shouldn’t be much more than $100. And geez on the shocks/struts. I just did my ‘07 Highlander for like $4-500 myself.

Tons of companies would/could sign NDA’s, that means next to nothing. I would bet they are more looking to see if there is anything worth anything when Fisker declares BK.

I mean, maybe. Was just wondering if there is something that makes people more likely to believe in this junk. 

Yea, overall, they are just kind of trash from an accuracy basis. I have one for my insurance via my phone and I get all kinds of “infractions” even when driving normally. Going around a turn at the speed limit? Infraction. Getting on the highway? Infraction. Emergency braking because someone stepped into the road

Slide 8 really speaks to me. I used to get angry when people did dumb stuff on the road, now I just laugh. I realize that most of the time it doesn’t really change anything for me, so why get mad? Try to be happier and more easy going, it makes your day a lot better. 

Haha, I did not know that.

Yea, possibly. 

Yea, I guess I didn’t really mean that have a mental illness that means they can’t function. Just that they believe this stuff so fully that they can’t be all there enough to see how nonsensical and dumb it is.

I may have used that term incorrectly. But someone that throws full belief into some phony baloney can’t be all there IMO. I am a full believer that all the weird crazy shit was always there, it just wasn’t easy to find like it is now.

I guess so. I just feel like to fully believe in some of this stuff, you need to be a bit off. Maybe the power of “magic” is enough, but still seems like you need to be a bit deficient to believe it in wholly.

Ha, same here. Just got my taxes back and our AGI is higher than I thought and here I am driving around a 286k mile ‘07 Highlander and my wife has a car we paid $18k for 7 years ago.

I wouldn’t call them nightmares, but getting ready to finally do the back shocks on my Highlander. End links just showed up yesterday and then a hidden hitch on my buddies Golf R. When it comes to car work, I usually don’t do anything that will take me more than 8 hours, so like 4-6 hours book time.

Could have gone around twice with them.

I don’t know how Tesla breaks down their financial reports, but a positive gross profit should really only be coming from the revenue minus the cost to generate that revenue from building cars. Without digging in, I doubt their service generates anywhere near what selling cars does. 

Lucid and Rivian do not report any positive gross profit margins, that means they are selling cars at a loss from what I can tell. I am not an expert on financial reports, but all GP is, is revenue minus cost of revenue. Which for cars, is buying all the stuff to build them and then building them, R&D and SG&A plus