Big Block I-4

Comps are a bit hard to find, but I went ND due to mileage. 500 cab’s on BAT usually have a lot less miles and hover in the $10 -$17k range. If you could get this closer to or just under $8k, NP.

Check some of the auctions and things get a bit more murky... I went ND due to mileage. Granted, these auctions are a bit older, but still too much to me.

We have a relatively new set of LG machines, 4 years old or so. So not spending $2,200 to save a few bucks a month.

Hmm, I may have to look into that too. I honestly think ours gets so high due to washing clothes and A LOT of clothes. 

I did the average over 13 months and used a 30 day month and it came to 28 kWh a day, so that is about right, I guess. Just unsure how they use 1/3 of that on average in Britian. If I remove the peak months though I am closer to 20 kWh/day, but reducing that by half seems hard.

Yep, totally agree. Here in the mid-Atlantic, we get the worst of both worlds. 100 degrees in the summer and below freezing for the winter with a month or two of ok weather in the fall and spring.

Cool, well count me out as one of your supporters, whatever the cause is.

I don’t use the A/C from essentially Nov-Mar, heat is gas. My stove and water heater are both gas and my house isn’t that much bigger than listed. We are also not home for 50+ hours a week and all lights are off during the day.

What does inconveniencing people that have nothing to do about it get you? Because I can tell you it will make more people not support you than support you.

This is akin to people driving like assholes because they are late or need to be somewhere. I am all for people’s right to protest, but once you start inconveniencing others on purpose it is just annoying. I am not for hitting people with your car, but I don’t think blocking traffic does what the protestors think it

Ha! When we moved to MD (I am from PA, wife from MD) the inspection place tried to rip her off and told her she needed to do a timing belt to get it inspected. Bunch of goons. But yea, I would just say, “No, clue!”.

We have tall ceilings, but in Feb. and over the winter, that doesn’t change our energy usage from an electric standpoint. Doesn’t take more energy to light up a room with taller ceilings unless you do that on purpose, I guess.  

Yea, in mid-Atlantic area. Just seems crazy that they could use that much less, especially since we aren’t home for essentially 50+ hours a week at school and work. I don’t even think we use a ton of power and don’t have a ton of things to power up other than cell phones and our stove/oven and water heater are gas. I

No idea about Britan, mine is like 1,200 maybe?

270 kWh to run an entire house for a month? I must be doing something wrong, my lowest electric usage month of the past 12 was Feb of this year at 407 kWh. My highest was 1,795 kWh.

Well, that is at least good to see. I can’t really comment on it (being OK or bad or whatever) since I have no Native American heritage, but that last image just struck me as a bit strong.

Sorry, not really related to the story, but what are the thoughts on the brand name and imagery on these bikes? We have had a lot of pushback on sports team names and other things that are negative towards native americans. But I haven’t heard anything about this brand. Not saying this is negative or needs to be

Thanks for my yearly reminder that the 4C existed!

Yea, MD only requires an inspection when the car is transferred to a new owner. Gotta be careful when you buy a used car via private sale here, wooo! 

Agree that people should be charging at home. But as new EV sales increase, that will lead to more used EV’s going to people that don’t have that ability and more public charging. Overall, I don’t think it will be a huge issue, but it would also be an issue that I would never want to deal with.