Big Block I-4

Yes, this is exactly what most or maybe all of these are. The laws are dependent on state, but usually somewhere less than 10k miles and maybe 3 years old or less. Same deal with demo vehicles. The OEM reps drive them around for a bit, then they get sent to a dealer who can sell them as new with a decent discount and

I guess, but I don’t know how it all works and I know the shipping industry is a weird mess. 

That would be fair, but I don’t know the in’s and out’s of that. Obviously, they do a lot to shield themselves and outsource what they can, just a mess.

Yea, that whole industry is a mess honestly. I won’t even pretend to know about who or what can be held responsible. 

Yea, I just know a lot of shipping companies aren’t really raking in the dough, though I am sure some are. That whole industry is shade upon shade, from what I can tell at least.

Yea, this is all true. Something needs to be done, but I won’t pretend to know the answer. 

Since I have kids and I guess I need to be reasonable, E63 wagon or maybe a CLK63, I guess I could make do with an E63 Sedan if I really had to. 

Yea I agree with this. Big time waste.

We don’t really know what the reservation list looks like now and how many people get the call and ask their reservation to be fulfilled. Reservations are and have been a meaningless number in auto’s for a while and there are a ton of other EV’s companies that can show that fact. 

It could be as simple as reductions in price. We don’t know what the reservation list is like now or the rate at which reservations are actually fulfilled. You could have a billion reservations, doesn’t mean they all get bought. Just got ask Lordstown and Nikola how all those “reservations” worked out for them. 

I honestly don’t know what the solution here is as I don’t think any shipping company will have and insurance policy to cover something like this, nor enough money to cover something like this. This won’t cost 100's of millions, but easily billions. 

Bragging about $3k in payments and a 14% loan, man. I am so happy that isn’t me. But at the same time, I can’t be that happy though, since I would never be in that situation no matter what.

Yea, I will be able to. My co-worker and I should get there right around 2:30-3pm and then depending on the timing, watch the eclipse and do the meeting or do the meeting and then watch the eclipse. It is more of a client pop in, so nothing of real substance. I then need to drive to Pittsburgh after that for meetings

Elon Musk’s Tesla already appears to be offering some purchase incentives for the Cybertruck”

There used to be a Noble that would show up to our CnC relatively frequently. I guess this one isn’t it since it is in CT, but in the auction it says “Clean Title (VA)“ and the one that showed up was VA plated, so maybe this is it? Though I seem to remember the one that showed up had a bit more paint chipping on the

Yea, it would have been. I just did a google map directions and tried to drag it to go south and it refused. Made you drive all the way around and then north up Highway-1. But the closures don’t seem well marked there unless you hunt for them.

It looks like the road is also closed south of this area, at least according to google maps. So, there isn’t really any way to get out by going further south at this time.

Not sure if you saw my other comments. But in a hilarious twist of fate, I planned a meeting for that day in the path of totality and should be there right around the time it happens. It is about 6 hours from my house too.

Wait, 18,000 KM or MI? 18k KM is relatively close to 10k miles, so that would make sense. But even on me and my wife’s car, we could go longer. But she doesn’t drive much so 10k miles is about once a year and my car is older and higher miles so it ends up being 2-3 times a year at 7,500 miles for me. 

That is pretty cool!