Big Block I-4

Says 30k KM, that is still 18k miles, which seems crazy. I know my wife car is 10k miles and I do 7,500 in my older hybrid. But 18k miles is nuts to me.

Yea, that makes sense. I would bet that there is a 99% chance I don’t get one, but it is an interesting proposition at the right price.

Yea, that would be the biggest hurdle near term and I guess longer term. While part availability, outside of a crash, should be a longer-term issue.

Yea, that is what I was thinking. Just found it interesting, also the same size screen as one of Microsoft’s Surface Pro models. 

Ahh, got ya. Even though this is in theory a decent deal, I am not in at anything over $10k, even that would be a real struggle. 

Yea, this is their hail mary, they are out of options. No one is giving them money, other companies have looked at their books and know they are toast. The worst part is, even if this somehow works out, they have kneecapped their future value of their vehicles to the nth degree.

Yep, they always do that. If they don’t, someone will do it for them. 

5th Gen won’t be back next year though, new 4Runner coming EoY this year.

I think at one point they may have been closer to $15bn in market cap. But I am not too sure on their share count going back to ATH share price.

I am sure Henrik and the CFO (his wife) just “misplaced” those funds for a bit. What a joke of a company. 

“Reliable” and then, I have had to replace an engine mount and water pump on a sub 100k miles car. Yeaaaaah, about that. 

Yea, if you could get one cheap enough and could get 5 years out of it, it wouldn’t be a terrible idea. The biggest problem in my head is if something breaks, parts availability is going to be very limited at best.

I think the biggest issue is or would be a hardware failure or an crash. I can’t imagine getting anything for suspension or body panels would be easy. And if you get hit in a crash, you are probably completely SOL.

Agree that would/could be an issue. But the cars are running/driving now, I don’t see a huge issue if they went poof, but that would be a risk you would have to be willing to take, obviously.

I guess, just find it kind of odd that a bunch of OEM’s have the same dimension screens since you can put any pixel or ratio on any size screen really. 

What is up with 12.3" screens? I converted to CM and it isn’t some good number, but I have been seeing these dimensions on a lot of vehicles. Just seems odd.

Yea, I mean. We will see. I feel like so far the Ocean’s, although maybe not great, do work. And if you could get one for cheap, even if it lasted a few years it wouldn’t be a terrible buy.

I am in the same boat, value on these is going to tank hard (harder I should say). But around $10k? I might take a flyer on one, maybe.

Not an owner, but man. Not only will they own an orphaned car, but they just got killed on any value they had while Henrik (and his wife, the CFO, lol) skip out the door with millions of dollars.

Also love that their website doesn’t even show inventory. What a complete disaster of a company.