Are these prices only for certain areas or maybe current stock only? Their website still shows full price. Looks like they are trying their hardest to get some cash flow to pay their interest payment in the 30 day window, only other option is BK.
Are these prices only for certain areas or maybe current stock only? Their website still shows full price. Looks like they are trying their hardest to get some cash flow to pay their interest payment in the 30 day window, only other option is BK.
Haha, I can only imagine. I don’t think I could do that job, I would lose my mind.
Yea, it is kind of a weird use of the area, but I guess it made sense since Sea Girt was functional, and that area was essentially nothing for a long time. I also think there are issues with dredging that area due to heavy metal contaminates from the steel mill, so deep water dock might not be feasible.
I know it might suck, but depending on where you live, you may need to look elsewhere around the country if you really want one.
I live in Bmore, not too far from this bridge and have rarely gone over it. Mostly stick to 95/895 tunnels or the west side of 695. If you are just driving through, no reason to be on 695 unless there is a major traffic issue.
I don’t think the LNG project ever happened. It is pretty much just warehouses and distribution centers down there plus BMW and VW importing.
Make it another tunnel!!! Or a big jump over the Patapsco, you pick. Honestly though, they should have just made sparrows point into a bigger port instead of the warehouse peninsula it is now. I guess there were some issues with that being possible thanks to Bethlehem steel, but easier in and out for big boats.
I used to use it in my wife’s old Acura 3.5RL. It wanted 91 or 93 and using 87 it was noticeably slower and less efficient, so I would use mid to get a bit better economy and power while not paying for premium. Probably a wash or even losing proposition, but whatever.
Yea, I guess. I just have never really had compatibility issues across devices, maybe I am just lucky or know what I am doing? I begrudgingly switched to android after Windows Phones died. And now I have the dead Surface Duo. Really wish Microsoft would bring out another phone.
It would have been great.
Aka, “The Crandy Man”.
Crentist “Crandall” Yoop, DDS.
I was really thinking that this was going to end with, “She won’t get a vaccine”. SO CLOSE!!!
Crandall? What the hell kind of name is that? Like Randall with a C on the front? That can’t be his real name, right?
Yep, tale as old as time. Fortunately/unfortunately for me, they were long dated, itm, sold call spreads. My risk was relatively small, but had the short end executed as has happened to me a few times on heavily shorted tickers. Couldn’t sustain the short position so had to execute the long end and take my loss.
Merger talk and convertible note failed? Man, their books must be sooooo bad. I knew they were bad once their head of accounting quit and the replacement didn’t last a month. I am sure Henrik’s wife, the CFO, has it ALL under control though.
4th Gear:
There aren’t really any marine engine makers that build boats too, but the “not being built by Lexus” part is definitely damning. Although there are a few contract builders of vehicles too.
That is fair, I work in advertising on the business side, but obviously Mac’s get used on the design side more often, even though I think both OS’s can do anything the other can and most of the “industry standard” stuff is a relic of the past.
I just think that if is the solution is painful, there needs to be some way to help out people that can’t afford the pain to begin with. I can’t really speak for CA and UK, but I would assume people there drive a lot less so the prices aren’t as big a deal and the prices there have been high for longer, so you aren’t…