Big Block I-4

Have never had a fatal issue on a PC, even my old Toshiba from ‘05 in college worked fine (slow, but fine) until I got rid of it a few years ago. I just don’t see how what Apple offers is worth anywhere near the price they sell it for and then they don’t give you many options.

Some of the Android stuff is just as expensive, but you have tons of options on price point. Closed ecosystem is a pain, iPhone can D/L Andriod comm stuff, but I can’t d/l apple stuff. And if you are just buying a computer for basic stuff, why would you ever jump right to a $1k+ Apple product? There are tons of better

I have not had any issues with my computers or phones and never really do. The only reason I got a new work one was because we updated all our computers, but my old one from 2013 that was a refurb, worked fine until the day I got rid of it. I just don’t see the value in the increased price for Apple products and the

We could buy Chinese cars if they brought them here, they just need to pay the tariffs that exist to get them here. We buy phones made in China all the time, I am sure you could get one here if you wanted. If you don’t understand how devices from some companies could be security issues, I am not sure what to tell you. 

Same here on Android and I can pay essentially whatever I want for a phone vs whatever Apple tells me to pay. No update issues on my end.

Cool story bro...Not sure if you know this, but we aren’t in a room together and people don’t get alerts when you comment to other people. 

Google has most of the same guards on data too. You are forgetting that Google owns YT and the most used search engine in the world. Of course they have data reliant revenue greater than Apple. Not only that, but Google has one of the biggest ad servers and a huge DSP too. 

So, then they are selling phones and other devices that have capabilities that people don’t use at an inflated price without giving people the choice to buy a machine that more fits their needs? Any phone is solid construction, I have had my Microsoft Surface duo for 3 years without issue and my prior Pixel 2 for a

So, the exact same stuff that most any android has without the ability to pay less than what Apple sells their phones and other devices for? Got it. Now go look at their other hardware, want a laptop? $1k for something similar to a $500 PC, AMAZING STUFF!!!

Apple collects your data just like any/every other company that has the ability to do does, you just get to pay more for the privilege of it.

Got ya, I kind of assumed that comprehensive was not mandated, but did not know for sure.

I just can’t believe that people still willingly buy apple products.

I answered why I needed to post it multiple times. You want me to paste my answer again?

Outside of a global financial meltdown, I would expect them to continue up.

LIV Golf, the Saudi league is merging with the PGA tour, they may not see their money back today, but they will over time. Sports teams aren’t really about the making money right now part either (although they can and do) but more about the appreciation factor.

Some states mandate different coverage levels, I don’t know California’s. So, I added that caveat in case I was not right on how their insurance coverage is mandated.

I am torn here because I bought my Miata for $1,200 sight unseen on eBay, but that was 10 years ago. I know prices have gone up, but still hard for me to say NP on a $4.5k Miata that isn’t in great shape. But a very reluctant NP from me due to current market.

I haven’t seen one yet here in mid-Atlantic, but I am sure it will only be a bit longer without seeing one. Still and extremely slow roll-out.

We and every other nation in the world has tariffs and taxes on goods be them imported or not. There is no true “free market” in any country that I know of. Almost every country uses some sort of protectionism to aid domestic industries.

You are essentially asking or telling people that can’t afford a newer car to either go in debt to get one, use pub trans or get gouged by a prohibitively expensive gas tax. As much as we (and I) would love pub trans to be a real option, it just isn’t for a lot of people. I would love to use it everyday, but it would