
I completely understand. When I buy beaters, I do not care much about nicks, dings and fixes. When I buy a new car, if it takes any damage in a collision or demonstrates a failure point, it goes straight from the shop to autotrader. New cars are supposed to be perfect for a lot longer than a year and a half. Once

I’ve driven one of these. I’m team slow car fast but these are too slow, less safe than a motorcycle, the engine makes far more wheezy noise than power and it offers fiat levels of reliability . Tossable, I guess, but it takes so long to go from zero to interesting I’m not sure it matters. Good looks, bad drive.

My crews sick rate is hardly measurable. I put a ton of effort into team building and providing support when people are ill or lose loved ones. If they need a day, no questions are asked other than “are you ok, do you need anything?” This is followed by, don’t worry we will cover your schedule.”

This is what low employee moral and disloyalty looks like. This is a top down management failure. Clearly they are not inspiring workers to believe in the mission.

You don’t even need to go near the limit to have more fun in a simple lightweight car. That’s part of the joy. Modern sports cars are generally boring on the street as you are totally isolated from what is going on and you can’t hit the go pedal for more than a second without hitting prison speeds.

Clarkson doesn’t need your defense. His terrible behavior is well documented. If he’s wearing a target it is because he chose to put on a target shirt. I would guess he’s a fun hang if you avoid his absurd climate takes, but ultimately, he’s a tool.

Modern cars are, for the most part, fantastic. Plus, you don’t have to worry about dying if you get into a minor car accident, and they’re – for the most part – better for the environment.

I think every automaker needs a massive overhaul. Their various tech strategies from chassis brain boxes to ECU’s to infotainment have reduced owner satisfaction across the board. I know they want to nickel and dime us to death with subscriptions, but I can’t help but to think that will be more of a boon to repair

Sell a zillion F150's is not a terrible product strategy.  Others have done worse.

For street use I would take factory stock over all of these cars. Especially the Bugatti. I can’t imagine trying to drive that on a sunny day.

Seems possible.  It played like they were aping every toxic fake deadline reality show that I watched a few times ten years ago.

Wow, an army of toxic, posturing wankers talks a bunch of shit and falls on their face.

When it comes to deep water submersibles, if my neighbors, cousins poolboy says, “I work with water every day and I am not getting in that.” I am going to cancel the booking. 

It doesn’t take a lot of money on paper to get a loan like this. It just takes a mercenary lender and a willingness to take a high interest loan.

I doubt this guy is even close to wealthy. He probably has a decent income and a pile of debt. I could buy his dumb car with cash. I can, because I won’t.

I suppose the first question is, where are you from? I’m from the mountain west and Oldsmobuicks suck here. The fluffy couch does not mix well with the twists and turns that we even have on our interstates.

The roadster would be great for Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska, but what happens when you get to the Rockies and hit the passes and canyons?

I don’t get the giant cars. You can carry everything you need to live for a week in an 80 liter backpack. A pack that size will easily fit in your passenger seat. This would include a tent, a pad, a sleeping bag and changes of clothes. So....Any car that’s not going to break down is a great solo road trip car.

Minis are super fun and stupid in an excellent way. I’ve had a couple and never regretted it for a second. In fact i think I should get one again.
