
This is like seeing someone shopping for a single-family home in a bonkers real-estate market, and advising them, “Well, obviously if those three-bedroom homes with a yard are too expensive you should just buy a one-bedroom condo… because it will be cheaper!””

It’s lovely…

Right, I see constant (shitty!) commentary about Star Trek being too woke now.”

I wouldn’t deny that Water’s is a first class ass (he is) but I would have to argue that lyrically and conceptually he’s pretty far past Gilmour.  On the other hand Gilmour is a far better player to my ears.

The Wall is a massive cultural moment for olds...But best album???

To hear Roger tell it ‘I am Pink Floyd, the other guys were little more than back up musicians.’ Most folks with a brain know that’s bullshit.

I actually might buy this!!!

I really like it.

As prices settle to pre pandemic levels, I will not be forgetting the shops that were the most exploitive and mercenary. I hope everyone else does the same.

“I tried to overthrow the government, but I am the victim here!!!”

One day I was driving my large sport packaged pretentious sedan with giant brakes and big sticky tires. I was cruising along quite safely when a police officer pulled me over speeding in an overused near end of life Explorer.

I know you weren’t attacking the riders, I was just busting your balls a bit.

Yep those soft ass Europeans riding bikes 30mph for 120 miles in a hundred degree weather while you sit in an air conditioned office...


I looked at the side view and thought...

I have never climbed down a ladder to pee. I keep a pee jar in any tent, ground or rtt. Anybody who’s done any mountaineering or alpine winter camping masters the pee jar (male or female). The best solution is a wide mouth Nalgene. You wrap some webbing in a band around the middle and tape that down. That way you


Does interesting have to equal awkwardly ugly?

Counterpoint: daring design = good”

“It’s not that weird! It looks very Porsche or even Audi like.”