
Yeah, Cyberpunk fixed a lot, but the main difference for me is that the story and characters were always interesting. The main story might not be everyones cup of tea, but all the side characters already had amazing personalities and story arcs tied into amazing quests.

While this article zeros in on one question with regards to Surya Bonaly it completely ignores what led to it. It’s a missed opportunity to educate. It’s seems more like an attempt to discredit her accomplishments. NPR did a wonderful article on this. Surya is the ONLY Olympic skater to do a backflip to one blade.

He’s every coach I never had

my take, its fine, its good that they are close, families have different levels of affection display, I joke that, since i am like 80% german, my loved ones and i have bi-annual brisk handshakes(no eye contact though, you have to be civilized). but if your family is externally affectionate, then its great. and i am

This is a west coast vs east coast thing. Families from the west coast, like my wife’s, see a peck on the mouth as no big deal. Families from the east coast, like mine, prefer a nod of the head and then not speaking to each other except on major holidays, like Leap Year.

If crazy had a make-up pallette, she is wearing its starter kit.

Don’t forget about Belichick planting one on his daughter.

Ice Fishing is the “Drinking Rubbing Alcohol” stage of fishing junkies trying to get their fix.

But this article makes no sense. What is it that you are making illegal? Nobody is requiring cities to do anything - they are making offers of their own accord. Is this what you would make illegal? For cities and states to administer their own local policy?

I knew it wouldn’t be the last time Favre misrepresented growth metrics.

The United States government.

Counterpoint: My parents never asked me about my day. I promise you, that is far far worse.

When in 1977 Syberberg wrote in his masterpiece Hitler: A Film from Germany (aka Our Hitler) how one of the enduring nazi victory is how some words and images are long-lastingly tainted, I wonder if he imagined that 4 decades later it still would be the case.

I’ve heard an explanation that the ref started laughing because he started to break up what he thought was a tussle between two players and quickly realized it was just two Patriots hugging each other. That explanation completely fits the video you just posted. Talk about trying to find something wrong where there

Thank Christ someone posted the full video. The Jax player basically tackled in the back of the end zone, and not just any tackle, but slammed White down like he was in the WWE. The Pats we’re either begging for a flag or about to start a rumble and the red was trying to calm them down and laughing while he did it.

Bah Gawd! That’s Tom Brady’s music!

And my 18-year old daughter wonders why I won’t take her to Eagles games.

Felger and Maz are non-ironic versions of talk shows in GTA games

Gilmore being garbage for the first 4 weeks only to quietly become the linchpin of the Patriots secondary before emerging as the key to another Super Bowl berth is the most Patriot thing. Suck it, Felger

For me it’s more like watching the Honky Tonk Man, in that both he and his manager are blatantly cheating and NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING TO STOP THEM no matter how much I yell at my TV.