
In Siberia, this may well have been permafrost until recently. There's no road surface because there wasn't any need for one until global warming changed the ground to sludge. Building and pipeline foundations across the previously-frozen north are all suffering in similar ways.

I don't believe you.

I thought 'late model Aveo' or 'Chevy Spark' when I saw that grille

Badum Ching!

No.....would you like to?

Or, if you are in North America - Sunbeam Imp! Better still, if you want a Walnut veneer dashboard - Singer Chamois! Can you believe they even made a wagon version called the Husky. It looked like a hearse for midgets.

I don't have the first idea who John Edwards or Rielle Hunter are, but this article and the readers comments are the funniest things I have read in a long time.

Don't think it was Carbon Monoxide that got into the cabin. It was just far too much testosterone and money.
Has anyone in law enforcement tried to identify all of these jerks?

I remember watching this when it was first broadcast on the BBC, and now I feel quite old.

It's OK if adults wear them 'ironically'

....or a donut?

"The RB9 has 6,500 parts and about 100,000 components," Not following you ...... What's the difference between a part and a component? Don't the two words mean the same thing?

Maybe, especially as a 2cv only weighs about 700 kg! What I do remember though is the suspension travel is about two feet at the back, and the jack they supply you with is about the same length.. Sort of a square tube with a screw down the centre of it. You had to jack the car up a loooooong way before the wheel left

Not quite.... The tv company changed what they wanted part way through filming. It started out as something like 9 or 10 episodes and McGoohan was asked to stretch it to seventeen or eighteen. At the same time McGoohan was taking over more and more of the production, eventually writing, acting and directing all at the

I had the Dyane 6 with the twin-choke carburettor. The extra 6 cheveaux meant it would actually top 80 mph. At 6850 rpm. Loved it.

It's the hydropneumatic suspension on the DS, GS, CX and BX that allows you to change the wheel without a jack, though you do need to have the engine running and a prop to hold the body up to do it. Anyhoo, what the ad doesn't tell you is that with no transmission tunnel and front seats that meet in the middle, there

Roof down or roof up, it never made any difference to how much water collected inside mine. Even after the entire roof was replaced under warranty. My 1979 2cv was more water tight.

Worst. Pun. Ever.

Shouldn't the headline read 'You have to watch this GT40 handling like shit'? Has he got three flat tyres or did someone forget to connect one of his track rods to the steering rack? Having to use opposite lock in the middle of a straight kind of suggests something isn't quite right. The other GT40s he passes don't

Toooooooooo much chrome. Last thing that a Karmann needs