@Manly McBeeferton: Please don't.
@Manly McBeeferton: Please don't.
@8thR: Big brother!
Gotta agree with you on Peace Walker. Some of those extra ops missions are brutal without a second man.
@SupaKero:EDIT: Broken images?
@Newestname: "Noooooo!" /Autotune
@Manly McBeeferton: In a good way, right?
Now that has got to be compensating for something.
@Paul Y. requires regruntling: Do it Do it Do it!
@KAR120C: Can I have a cookie?
@KAR120C: It reminds me more of an Alfa Romeo Montreal.
@luisthebeast: Ouch.
@Kellen Dunkelberger: Me either. I kinda feel left out, seeing this...
@TroyQueef: Besides all that, the challenger as it is makes a pretty nice grand touring, don'tcha think?
@alixana: Zing!
@PhillyLass: This place has obviously never met my mother. Now she can drive a hard bargain!
@N-Robes: Hey, don't knock Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds as a creative tool!
@thecrimsonalchemist2: *brain asplodes*
@Taggart6: It actually has been done before, unsurprisingly.
@Taggart6: LOL! +1,000
@ThursdayNext: Shadow Complex?