@IN THE FACE!: It's like a gokart with a cabin.
@IN THE FACE!: It's like a gokart with a cabin.
@PyramidHeadcrab: I don't know what this is, but it's become the single greatest random thing that I know of.
@MrPhean: Ouch. What causes that, anyways?
@legendnthemaking: Metroid Prime Trilogy (three primes for the price of one), Okami, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (of course) , Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, The Conduit, etc.
@Half the wheels and twice the fun: And of course you have to throw in a couple Wilhelm screams.
@Yarfunkina: Get back to work.
@Tossed Mazda3hatch's Chicken Salad all over Accord's face: One of these days.... I'm gonna have a car...and actually run my exhaust through the sides, just for the hell of it. That way when I pull up to one of these fools I can make them eat my exhaust.
@$kaycog*5000*: That's it. They were testing their summer tires.
This is like Lost Magic realized in console format. Is it also a rts?
@tonyola: Mmmmm tasty.
I'm surprised we didn't see any tracks from the Wipeout series. Now those are a bitch.
@imswellthanks: Wow, that really was a close call!
@Skunky: Dynacorn.
@Death By Cornbread: Wow, that's actually pretty funny when I think about it. Nice job.
@pauljones: He could be the Patron Saint of Jalop!
@TxBrumski: *Nods in agreement.*
@Grinman: Big Boss begs to differ.
@Grinman: Big Boss begs to differ.
@Altima NEO: Saved...
@Đipic: Agreed.