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    For me it comes down to what kind of film it's supposed to be. If we're talking about something like 300 which is really just a period action film then I'll overlook it. It's difficult and distracting to try to read subtitles while following the action. However if we're talking about dramas and films touted as being

    I like this outfit but I can't help but feel like both the dress and the top have too much material. It doesn't look like the style was on purpose as much as it's just not fitted well. However the dress would look fine on its own if the top didn't look like it was hanging in front. The combination of those two

    Yeah I have to object to commenting on her appearance, that's shitty too, in a different way. That said... if you had maybe pulled a Nietzsche and said something to the effect of, "Of course she's against gay marriage, only straight dudes would hit that." I might have given a pass.

    Wait so do they eat crackers in church because they think Jesus was white? I mean if all you're consuming is saltines and wine then I'd call that more fashion model than biblical.

    I take it back. I no longer want to hang out with Amanda Bynes . I suppose this was the kindest way she could go about letting me know she's not interested without breaking my heart. Alas. It could have been sweet.

    Being an actor or being in the public spotlight does not mean someone must also be a role-model. How about instead of looking to other people for examples we start taking responsibility for ourselves?

    "I'm not homophobic, I just don't want them to marry. Oh, that scowl I get on my face when the topic is mentioned? And when I see them being affectionate toward each other in public? That's just because I love them and don't want them going to hell."

    I'm not sure the system works entirely as advertised. But hey, you're not alone in your thinking. Fist bump.

    This entire conversation is meaningless and I'll tell you why. Later this year AMD will be releasing chipsets with hUMA technology. In short they're making chips that unify the cpu and gpu and are capable of sharing memory in a way that hasn't been possible before. Considering the fact that AMD is also far more

    This kind of makes all of my ideas for 3d printing seem really damn trivial.

    Much of this has less to do with Google itself and how they outsource their search refinement. Google hires outside contractors to scan search words and make sure that their system is providing relevant responses. So more than likely this is a combination of the people who work in this field combined with users.

    To each their own really but I love AMD because they are just as innovative as Intel but the power of their processors and GPUs versus price is always better. Does Intel make faster chips? Yep, but you're also paying three times as much for negligible performance. Intel is mostly a status thing in my eyes, which

    Admittedly I only briefly scanned that patent but I didn't see any designs for technology, which is one of my problems with patents. The concept of merely patenting ideas has always bothered me. I mean there are several science fiction authors who have created ideas that have become realities, had William Gibson only

    I didn't interpret the video that way. In fact I think the lead in article pretty accurately describes the theme.

    It seems like all of the objections to this come down to the author of the fan fiction is giving up rights to their work, which is rather silly. Yeah? And? You don't have the right to sell stories set in worlds you did not create to begin with. At least now people who do this as a hobby could see some return on it and

    Word. I kinda want to hang out with Amanda now. Pot head? Check. Spartan living? Check. Dances with herself? Double check!

    I have the same annoyance with jealousy being used interchangeably with envy. They're two different words for a god damn reason!

    I'm going to pretend it was an intended pun. ;)

    Why is it Kurt was the one that had to kill himself? Sigh.

    Don't get me wrong, I love me some Frances Bean and agree with her point, but prattling on about your IQ sounds just a little self involved too.