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    You're confusing sex and gender. It's okay, that happens a lot, but the two are not the same.

    Just to be clear, I'm not at all arguing for getting rid of monogamy, just that it is considered normative, and that's extremely problematic. But I do agree that sexism has its part in this too.

    That's one of the pitfalls of internalizing the idea that monogamy is the only acceptable form of romantic relationship. It's a perfectly valid choice, but it's certainly not the only choice, or necessarily the correct choice always.

    Why does this remind me of every episode of Shark Tank? I'm thinking of those times where they basically tell scrappy up and coming business owners that they should just suck it up and deal with the fact that their product is going to have to be made in China. Because, you know, we're doing China a favor, and one day

    This could be taken the wrong way, but that's kind of awesome, in a Fight Club, yeah my breasts are that bad ass, kind of way.

    My dad's side of the family has a lot of redheads. I'm not, but I certainly burn like I am. I've never really tried but I doubt I could even get a tan.

    So if I understand correctly white women want to be darker, and women of color want to be lighter (there's an article either here or on Huffington Post about the popularity of skin lightening creams in certain Asian and African markets). I have an idea, why don't we just get together and help fuck the world beige? It

    That was the entire reason I made the statement you're quoted, to highlight the absurdity of their assumptions. I can agree I may not have been absolutely clear, but that's the point I'm making about this study. Perhaps for clarity I could have been more obvious but I didn't think that was necessary.

    Now playing

    Just because it's too funny not to post when relevant.


    That's one of the problems with evolutionary psychology. The attempt here is to say that penis size may be related to selection and selection in this case is being equated to the decisions made by women throughout history. But that's not how selection works, and even if that were true, they're still going about this

    Letterman lost me years ago, not only is he only a mediocre comedian but he's a mediocre comedian who didn't have the conviction to stand behind Bill Hicks when he should have, his belated apology not withstanding.

    Well unless you have specific questions regarding a specific topic of expertise and believe that I may be able to answer those questions, my profession isn't relevant. It's just an attempt at an ad hominem.

    "This observation has generated suggestions that human penis size partly evolved because of female choice."

    Why bother learning how to pole dance? There are easier ways to enchant your desired. You should know that.

    I think you unpacked that perfectly.

    Well that's just it, you're the one that brought up blowjobs, and you're the one equating entitlement to something that only happens when there is sexual contact, not Lindy. Entitlement is the attitude that someone deserves something without question. I would argue that no one deserves to have their whims catered to,

    I wasn't aware that entitlement begins and ends with blowjobs. Do tell...

    You would be absolutely correct, that temperature is going to separate parts of the beer and as a consequence it will loose much of its nuance. More than likely that doesn't matter because they're probably not serving anything other than cheap mass produced domestic beers, which honestly do taste better the worse you