
It blows my mind that people still make this mistake regarding tax brackets.

So what’s the deal with removing one joycon and trying to fire up a game while the other is still docked, and getting this stupid song-and-dance routine where the system demands you turn on the other joycon too? I only want one. I do not want both. Just one. And I’d rather not undock the one I don’t want just to use

I just price matched the $329 non-pro 2018 128GB silver model at Best Buy on Friday.

I just price matched the $329 non-pro 2018 128GB silver model at Best Buy on Friday.

I’m not even going to lie about it.  I’d watch that reality TV show if they landed one.  It’s not something I’d be proud of, for sure, but I’d still do it.

Back and the point of negotiating their initial contracts, the collective was valuable from Bliz’s perspective.  If there had been union involvement in contract negotiation, they surely could have included a severance package for production staff and pro players in the event the league came to an end.

I’m so mad the nearest Arby’s is at least 20 minutes away after moving here from a place where the nearest Arby’s was more like 20 feet away.

Eric is a fucking idiot, but isn’t it kind of weird that he doesn’t seem to be doing anything that is so exceptionally stupid like Don Jr. and Ivanka have done? Is he... the smarter one??

If you’re pulling in $40k a month, but your business is bleeding money faster than that, you’re probably doing it wrong.

I had a complete flashback as soon as Carrey starts talking about the Marines.

When they say “Blue lives matter” just stick an “Only” at the beginning and you’ve got it.

Imagine the kind of arrogance it takes to think you can show up on that island, with all of things we know about it, and believe you.. YOU.. are finally going to be the one person who successfully pulls off establishing a peaceful relationship with the people living there.

Looking close for a robot face to peek out. Not seeing it :(

The problem is, I hate doing dishes machine or not. Loading that fucking thing, and unloading it, is still an obnoxious pain in the ass that all those vacuum robot companies need to get on right the fuck now. I was promised a Rosie the Robot years before I was even fucking born and well the hell are we on that nerds?

I’ve never understood why some teacher’s feel the need to insist everyone pay 100% full attention. If a student doesn’t, and they end up failing the class, isn’t that the ultimate “I told you so.”?

I have never once been upset to see Rafi show up in something. My wife and I are constantly yelling “RAFI!!” when he appears and then inevitably laughing our butts off.

Can I sign up for a service where the mailman/lady periodically dumps the entire contents of my mailbox into a massive shredder and then hauls it to a recycling center for turning into those squishy flooring things they do at kids playgrounds?

What is unpopular about that?

Maybe Kris Kobach and Kim Davis can retire together in a cabin way out where nobody can hear them die of old age, or give a shit for that matter.

^^ This right here.

Ahh my old stomping ground. I miss that place.