
Hearing someone who works for a rally driving school say “Making your engine work even that hard is a big no-no” gave me a sad.

Part of that saying includes the idea that nobody wants to take that first risk either. They want to try and bet only on a sure thing.

This is absolutely true. Fuel attendants in Oregon are downright terrifying sometimes. All this talk about transients has me laughing a bit because they should be talking about the attendants being scary folks

But then you gotta worry about transients walking up on you from the forest or high desert! They are the worst... SO handsy.

Saw one driving down the street hanging out of the side of a car last year. Wasn’t fast enough with the camera :(

Absolutely no way in the world will this cheapen gas prices. Not going to happen. Jamoke pumping gas or not, the price is set by what people are willing to pay.

I lived in Oregon the first 37 years of my life, and the only time I really wanted someone else to do it was when it was cold as shit out or dropping a river on my head. If someone else is going to eat all that rough weather, fine by me!

It restarts if you squeeze the handle and yank it out, yeah.

A few unique things about Oregon, the place I was born and lived for 37 years until being dragged out to Atlanta kicking and screaming:

Out of all the games I played on my NES, Mega Man 2 got played the most. By FAR. I used to sit down and complete it 3-4 times in a row after school. It’s the closest I ever came to having any sort of interest in speed running. I knew it well enough that I’d occasionally have kids I didn’t know ask me how to get past

And spend more time thinking about that Turbo Grafix 16 you don’t have instead of the really super awesome SNES you do have.

Hell, even that little bit of silence between Leeroy and Jenkins is perfect.

If the guy had just articulated exactly WHAT he might vote with Republicans on, that would have helped a lot. He said plenty during the campaign about where he stands on all kinds of issues, so if he intends to reverse those positions he is going to be in a world of hurt.

’m getting it just damn fine thank you very much.

Because human “auto pilot” sometimes fucks up when you are redoing something you’ve done 100 times before.

Now playing

My biggest complaint was the 1970's cocaine drug lord robe that Snoke was rocking. My mind instantly went to this scene from Boogie Nights as soon as the throne room showed up...

  • When Kylo Ren, with like ten seconds of icily savage dialogue, revealed that Rey’s parents were nobody-ass losers, pissing on both George Lucas’s sole storytelling move and all The Force Awakens’s hints about Rey having a mysterious and auspicious background.

I haven’t used a debit card for a transaction in around 6 years.

Don’t be too hard on the guy. When I try to remember which number of the months June is, I count it out on my hands too. I guess the difference is I know how to count beyond 5 while doing this, which is something I am sure he might struggle with.

I don’t know what’s worse... being cornered by a sexual harasser or being cornered by a bible thumper.