
Joan Rivers on dead Palestinian civilians, from Mediaite

In the comic book version that I had when I was 7, Indy uses his whip to lash himself to the back of the sub's periscope, and the sub never dives much below the surface of the water—leaving his head up above the water level.

1) Yes, actually, the voices of Holocaust survivors speaking out against the idea that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism are important—because for so long there's been a monolithic idea that because anti-Semitism exists there must be a Jewish state so that there never will be a repeat of the Holocaust. And that is the

Then that must make Hedy Epstein, a 90-year-old Holocaust supporter, an anti-Semite? Or Suzanne Weiss? Or Hajo Meier, Marianka Ehrlich Ross, or any of the other Holocaust survivors and descendants of Holocaust survivors who recently signed onto a statement against "the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people," and

And is that "Artemis" from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia who has the phobia of balls...cotton balls?

I'm pretty sure you've misspelled her last name: It's Catanzaro

Hey, you try teaching a kid with one parent in jail and who didn't get any dinner last night or breakfast this morning. Try teaching a kid who is clinically depressed. Try teaching a kid with medical problems that a family can't get taken care of because there's no money for a doctor and the wait for state Medicaid is

Newsflash: Native hunters engaged in subsistence hunting are not "shit." They hunt for survival, not for sport. At the end of the day, you running your air conditioning in the summer probably does more to threaten the survival of polar bears than this guy's hunting does.

The Nation sportswriter Dave Zirin has an excellent piece today about the intersection between rape and jock culture. Required reading.

Baum's family has apologized for the editorials—so apparently they didn't see them as satire. And as far back as 1997, the L. Frank Baum society attempted to pass a resolution condemning them, so there's apparently a significant chunk of Baum scholars who also don't believe they were sarcasm. It's also worth

Actually, the early feminist movement split into two camps in 1860s specifically over the question of racism. In many cases, the early feminist espoused a version of white, pure womanhood that, by design, left out their sisters of color (and argued hard that Blacks did not deserve the right to vote). See Sojourner

No, the quote was not satire. He was writing in support of the Wounded Knee massacre in 1890. He made similar statements in 1891. He may later have softened these views, but they were NOT satire—they were major articles in a mainstream newspaper. Also, later in life he became a Theosophist, which is a

I'd definitely add Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man to the list as a terrific examination of scientific racism that reads very well. And I'd add a caveat that Jared Diamond's work is coming under increasing scrutiny—tribal leaders in West Papua, for example, are currently demanding that he apologize for his

Here is the point: .

Sportswriter Dave Zirin makes the same point:

Fun fact: Julie Burchill is an unrepentant Stalinist. (For real. She once said, "The only kind of socialist to be is a Stalinist, and the only kind of woman to be is a bitch.") She's a disgrace and always has been—little more than a print-version of a shock-jock.

This is from when Mr. Hooper died. The show decided not to replace Will Lee after he died, and made the decision to have the character die as well. They scheduled the episode for Thanksgiving Day so that parents would be home to watch it with their children and discuss it. And they made sure to not have Mr. Hooper die

Ever read Geek Love? Actually, there's a medical ethicist named Alice Dreger who argues that it's unethical to separate conjoined twins, even when it's medically possible—that "normalcy" should not be imposed on people's anatomy. She makes a very interesting case that people have the right to bodily autonomy, even

Makes me think of Geek Love...I wonder if there are any parents who would opt to let their kid keep the tail if it wasn't causing any health problems. (I assume diapers would be problematic on an infant though.)