
No, the quote was not satire. He was writing in support of the Wounded Knee massacre in 1890. He made similar statements in 1891. He may later have softened these views, but they were NOT satire—they were major articles in a mainstream newspaper. Also, later in life he became a Theosophist, which is a

Sportswriter Dave Zirin makes the same point:

Fun fact: Julie Burchill is an unrepentant Stalinist. (For real. She once said, "The only kind of socialist to be is a Stalinist, and the only kind of woman to be is a bitch.") She's a disgrace and always has been—little more than a print-version of a shock-jock.

This is from when Mr. Hooper died. The show decided not to replace Will Lee after he died, and made the decision to have the character die as well. They scheduled the episode for Thanksgiving Day so that parents would be home to watch it with their children and discuss it. And they made sure to not have Mr. Hooper die

Ever read Geek Love? Actually, there's a medical ethicist named Alice Dreger who argues that it's unethical to separate conjoined twins, even when it's medically possible—that "normalcy" should not be imposed on people's anatomy. She makes a very interesting case that people have the right to bodily autonomy, even

Makes me think of Geek Love...I wonder if there are any parents who would opt to let their kid keep the tail if it wasn't causing any health problems. (I assume diapers would be problematic on an infant though.)

I'm pretty sure what's got your pants in a bunch is that Lindy DOESN'T have issues with her fatness. But way to sound like a judgemental ass. (Also, you know what Christie's eating habits exactly? Because that's just fucking creepy.)

No, actually, I choose to focus on the giant glaring problems that contribute to rape and victim-blaming rather than validate another dude's "but what about us" whining. Your mindset is *exactly* part of the problem.

How about a little perspective is what I'm saying. I'm so fucking tired of dudes like you reading any story about rape—and the huge numbers of rapes that go unreported, and the huge sexist culture that gives rape a big old pass—and then saying "but, but, but... what about the false claims"? You know what? Until we get

False rape claims are, according to the Justice Department, between 2 and 8 percent of rape claims—exactly on par with false claims of other crimes. However, 54 percent of sexual assaults are NEVER reported at all. If you think that that those two things are in any way equivalent, I feel sorry for you. One

Hey, guess what? False reports are, according to the Justice Department, between 2 and 8 percent of rape claims—completely on par with false reports of other crimes. 54 percent of sexual assaults, however, are NEVER reported. The idea that "false reports" are a big problem is just a straigh-up myth.

One of the characters, the veterinarian Dr. Gina, is a single mom who adopted a baby from Guatemala.

My comment isn't directed at mods. It's directed at Jezebel (and Gawker) management, who clearly should get by now that volunteer mods are not enough, and that the influx of trolls, especially after the Reddit flap, is really dragging down the experience of Jezebel in particular. Also, just fyi, mods might want to

Jesus Christ, I miss the days when trolls would be BANNED. God damn, Jezebel, your comments are becoming a second-rate reddit-fest of hate and misogyny these days. Can you not do a single damn thing to rein it in? Because it's really starting to turn your site into a cesspool.

I bet you're the white guy who goes onto posts about racism and says "but blacks can be racist too!" IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU, DUDE.

Hey, guess what? The participants in this study were self-selected—totally skewing the research. (Women volunteering for the study are more likely to not be ones with self-esteem in the basement, histories of abuse, etc.) Also, it was financed by an adult-film industry group. I am not anti-porn, but holding this study

I'm no fan of Dworkin, Brownmiller (or their latter-day incarnation in Gail Dines)...but I feel like this article, the headline and the juxtaposition of those two photos is one giant troll for a nasty straw man argument. As others are pointing out, the self-selecting nature of the survey makes its results somewhat

No, actually it's not. You're offering bullshit free market solutions (let the ladies have their separate but equal companies, hey!) to sexism—which is social and institutional discrimination.

So the civil rights movement shouldn't have ever pushed for white businesses to hire Blacks, or for white-only lunch counters to serve Blacks, but for Blacks to start their own businesses and lunch-counters? Your view is a recipe for protecting sexism, not challenging it.

Because of lack of capital investment from an industry that routinely ignores/shits on women-oriented businesses and games? Because THEY aren't the problem, the sexists are? Because THEY shouldn't be forced to change, the sexists should? I know you might think your question is benign, but man, if that's really your