
As a Marxist, I think this has scarred me for life. (It does, however, give new meaning to the phrase "close collaborators.")

@BullyTerrier: I think Rhianna, who they've hidden behind another girl and who's turned sideways, might be the token plus-size model this season. I can't tell for sure though because she's buried back there.

@womenmakenews: I think the film you're referring to is "To See if I Am Smiling."

@Red_Flag: Fair enough to say that my first definition of this as a war crime may be inaccurate, since the circumstances under which these men were detained remains unclear.

@Red_Flag: Actually, according to both the UN and the Fourth Geneva convention, Palestinian lands are considered "occupied". Therefore, the Geneva Conventions do apply.

@Red_Flag: She was in the military, acting in a military capacity. (It is not clear that this was an "immigration" issue—since border crossings in Israel/Occupied Territories are fraught with questions of occupation, and are most often militarized as part of an ongoing military conflict. To my mind this is clearly

"Possibly cruel"? Sorry, Irin, but that is a massive understatement.

@TomSkylark: I'm not as familiar with the graphic novel, but I think I agree generally with what you're saying.

@SynicVance2.0: One of the funniest parts when I saw "Scott Pilgrim"? The chorus of boos that greeted the appearance of M. Night Shyamalan's name in the trailer for "Devil." Totally deserved hate.

@TomSkylark: Hate to say it, but I don't think most people in the larger movie audience, have *any idea* what "Sex Bob-omb" is a reference to, or what 1-up meant. (Though unless you're stupid you can figure that last one out.)

@outuendo: Well, alright, I should have said "most" 22-year-olds—there are always fans that transcend generations—although expecting to have enough of them to score a hit at the box office is wishful thinking on the part of the film studio, I think.

@maggeimerc: I just made this point above. I'm 35 and liked it—because things like Mortal Kombat, Nintendo 64, and Seinfeld are all reference points for my teen-to-college years.

I liked it—it's about my generation after all. (But what's weird is that my generation is a good 10-15 years or so older than Scott Pilgrim and his friends, so there's some disconnect there. Unless I'm missing something. But I remember Nintendo 64 and Mortal Kombat and Seinfeld as part of my high school/early college

For a great perspective on this, I'd really recommend Raj Patel's Stuffed and Starved, which details how the profit-motive keeps a large percentage of the planet hungry/starving, while foisting cheap and nutritionally dubious food on the poor and working classes in the industrialized world.

Saw it tonight and quite liked it—the only major flaw for me was the lack of development of Ramona's character. Yes, Mario has to fight for something more than just the Princess—but for once it'd also be nice to see a truly self-rescuing Princess.

@amake616 misses MizJenkins: I guess I kind of disagree with the idea that "everyone is entitled to their own opinion" on abortion because I think that the framing of abortion as a moral/ethical question as opposed to a strictly medical question is one of the main reasons that the right has been so successful in the

@Uhuh. wants Miz.J back: Would it have been better for her to have a child that she didn't want and resent it and possibly wreck her marriage as well? Should she have given it up for adoption? Or did her willingness to selectively reduce mean that she should not have had any more children? Is it that she doesn't seem

@Lymed: I think people generally have more sympathy to poor women aborting, as opposed to middle class or wealthy women aborting. (They *could* afford a child but don't want to make the sacrifice, is the suggestion.) But, again, that to me seems to suggest that there's an abortion hierarchy—the "worthy" vs.

I'm not sure I understand the chorus of "It's her right, BUT..." followed by moral judgments about her choice.

Perhaps someone can force her to watch this when it comes out: