
I worked in an Art Department where we had to introduce some Japanese text in a product. Sadly the dipshit early-20-something "project manager" got to sit in at our meetings. The Creative Director and I hauled out samples of what the kanji might look like in different fonts when printed and the two of us went back and

He'd have had a lot less success getting into most Manhattan office buildings. Between this and New Jersey Transit I think we've all the seen the first and last Super Bowl ever played at MetLife Stadium.

Wanda Sykes and I share the same birthdate so I'm always on the lookout for her. I look forward to her being the sassy black PA in this trainwreck of a movie.

Replied to wrong comment, sorry!

My mother must have loved me because every time I came home with a report card she'd examine it and be pretty clear about what my storyline would be for the upcoming season.

I'm more interested in the Aeron chairs on that porch. Nothing says "lazy Sunday afternoon" more than sitting in a chair designed to help desk jockeys fill out quarterly reports.

Justin Bieber will have that hairstyle in six months.

I got my book club to read A Tale For The Time Being and they all loved it but there's nothing about New England in it. The couple lives off the coast of British Columbia.

I'll be spending Christmas at my sister's house and staying in the guest room, which is my teenage nephew's bedroom. Whenever I go up there I bring my own sheets. I told my sister it's because I have allergies; my brother-in-law laughed out loud. (My brother-in-law does the laundry.)

Long ago I once wrote a paper about something related to the South and in my pre-Internet research found some source somewhere that said that a big cause of death among women in Charleston, South Carolina, up until about 1920, was wearing restrictive clothing (and lots of it) during summer weather. And in my limited

My condolences about your dog. We just lost our crazy hound of 16+ years earlier this month. The day after Christmas we're going to be trolling shelters looking for a critter that will a worthy replacement. She's going to be a tough act to follow! After watching this video I'm tempted to just snap up half a dozen. PS:

Read Arugula Nation. It explains, and not in a negative way, how we got to this point. Chuck Williams is still alive! He's 98.

I think those Harry Potter midnight-at-the-bookstore "release parties" got a little intense. And if I'm remembering correctly quite a few under-18s showed up for those, mostly accompanied by their "in it to win it" parents.

POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERTS: I'm not the best at keeping up with the Crawley family tree but at the end of Season 3 when they were all reeling around Scotland didn't Shrimpie's unhappy wife call Cousin Violet her aunt? And at dinner when Matthew asked how Shrimpie got his name didn't Robert explain the relationship?