
Your town sounds lovely. I wish more towns were like that. We have a Wal Mart community store or whatever that bullied it's way into our small strip mall and we tried to fight it, but now we're stuck with it. I'm never setting foot in it.

See, it's the opposite for me too. CVS is always cleaner around here, plus, I've been followed by two men in Walgreens before, one finally approached em and said "girl, you are beautiful." Nice. Thanks, but don't be creepy. I kept walking around even though I just wanted Arizona green tea 2/$1 and making eye contact

I was hoping someone made this connection!

This is true. Thank you. I do think this experience will help in the future. Even if it's a simple "hey, that's not ok" to the person doing it then.

Yeah, the more I thought about it the more I was mad at myself for not saying anything. I mean, he might not have even been fired, maybe put on stock duty so that he didn't have contact with customers. It was skeevy for sure and I should have said something.

Ugh. I'm trying to teach myself this. The other week I drank a bit too much the night before and was on my way in to work. I decided to stop by McDonald's for a Sprite and a hashbrown to ease my stomach. I went to the first window to pay. Gave my bank card. The middle-aged man seemed fine. Pleasant even. I thought

Then you'd be the lucky one! My mom had a coworker who decided to wear pasties under a dress that had a pretty generous amount of sideboob. She was still wearing one three days later because when she tried to take the other off, the glue was so intense that it started to pull her skin (I don't want to get too graphic,

oh good god. I can see this happening. And that makes me even more sad.

Interesting that this is the only news story on that has blocked commenting.

Thanks for this response to her.

Forreal. I don't work for the public, but even my casual dress job says we can't even wear shirts with bands or football teams on it, let alone something political.

I was just thinking that I would totally wear that. It's nice to see a full figure girl put it out there sometimes. It's less delicate, but not less attractive, as Rihanna's chainmail dress at the met gala.

I was very lucky to have a great broker and a friend's brother in law as a real estate agent, so I didn't have to deal with that. When I bought a car by myself I walked out of three dealerships because of this, though. Not only did they not want to run my credit because how could a single lady be able to afford a car

The BF and I have been together for 5 years and living together for over 2. I bought the house, but my HOA doesn't understand that a single lady can buy a house, I guess because everything comes as "Mr. and Mrs. Bertsayswoof Lastname." I always tell my BF that he's so progressive for taking my name, but if we didn't

I can get on board with that. :)

allegedly come back towards the cop. and that doesn't matter. it was the spark that lit the powderkeg. you could remove he michael brown narrative and you still have an entire group of the population dealing with injustices and discrimination and no one doing crap about it.

I can't speak for Alter Ego, but for me, talking on the internet is a good steam valve. Unfortunately, I've been finding more and more terrible racist d-bags, so getting on jez and seeing like minded people helps me have more faith in humanity.

Yes! YES! YES!

I am admittedly a bit of a hermit, so I was shocked to get a view of what other people outside of me and my bf think. I am also very white. My bf and I have been horrified over the situation in Ferguson because of the brutal police presence and the utterly moronic mishandling of the case from police (among other

I watched the segment live and I didn't even notice he was in a hoodie! Good for him. My boyfriend and I (who happen to be very white) were practically giving him a standing ovation in our living room. Now, realizing he was wearing a hoodie makes me want to mouth kiss him! It was so great to watch.