
Hopefully my gif shows up. :(


Agreed. Call the cops if she is being violent, you already have TWO doors between you. If she's just screaming, why not call the cops and tell them someone outside your house needs help? Like you said, you should definitely call 911 in this situation no matter what. I honestly can't think of a reason not to call 911

I still haven't heard WHY he felt threatened. I mean, I get it, she was being loud (kind of her point, need to wake people up if you want to ask to use the phone) on the porch, but like most people are saying, he could just not open the door. Was she saying anything in particular that seemed threatening? Even if we

Thanks! I am not a Vegas local and I've only been once many years ago, but I was with a wedding party. We got tons of free stuff as a party and when I ventured on my own people were on the street giving out VIP wristbands and everything. Asking for possible comp doesn't seem like a jerk move here to me. Especially

I haven't made it through this whole thread yet, so sorry if someone already said this- I think the promoter was asking HER for her instagram. He wanted to see pictures and also offered to follow her. She seemed to give up just fine and he kept annoying her. She seemed to basically be like "well, you're not going to

or read. :)

Sweet! thanks for the link! I'll have to give it a listen.

Funny thing about her move out, since she had already taken "her" stuff that we both used, I knew that she'd probably take things like the toilet paper. My mom brought a roll and a bar of soap while we packed and the roommate left. She was so mad that I called her out on her petty theft that she started to find little

Compulsive liars freak me out so much, but they are so fascinating!

Sorry, this will be long. I decided to call off my soon to be marriage. I was in a bad place mentally and emotionally and the relationship had deteriorated long before we had even gotten engaged. It was 2 months before the wedding and we had been planning to buy a house. (His family was religious and he wouldn't live

Apparently, they get to pay for it double. Effectively, giving only the women a pay cut. *grumble grumble grumble forever*

I'm glad you differentiated between the two because I don't this this article does that great of a job. I like hot yoga (for the flexibility) but I almost killed myself during the one and only bikram studio class I went to.

I was waiting for someone to mention that the heat has other benefits. I like it because my muscles seem to "give" a little more without being as sore. The places I've been have been very good about water, humidity, and establishing rules to keep people safe. I don't pretend it's for everyone or that it helps with

I LOVE Seychelle shoes. DSW often has them for really inexpensive. They also feel great throughout the day.

I kind of love BIG. Though, I kind of love it in spite of Tom Hanks.

For real! This is why I was live tweeting my last period to the SCOTUS and Hobby Lobby. :) I'm sure they were flooded with tweets and didn't care even if they did see them, but it sure made me feel better.

I think you just explained that very well. I agree.

I'm guessing because it was written by a man for women, men tend to gravitate to it sometimes. I don't know. My ex took me to see this in the theatre. As the lights went up he had tears in his eyes and I was livid about the portrayal of an Alzheimer's patient. He was a little miffed that I kept focusing on the issues

Or she would have yelled and gotten violent. A lot of Alzheimer's sufferers end up violent and confused. My grandma suffered with this awful disease and at times she would scream and throw things at my mom telling her that she didn't know her and she felt threatened because my mom was "impersonating" her daughter.