
I get that Larry is a jerk but to insult tens of thousands of other people just to get back at him makes you look way worst. For a lot of people McDonald’s is a first job or sometimes the best the can get in a tough economy or even great for the people that make 6 and 7 figures as its executives and franchise owners.

Thank fuck someone said this. Musicians swatting photographers who get too close to the stage is basically as old as rock shows. And if people actually watch the video, this was in no way a forceful kick to the face. He swung his leg from side to side and knocked her camera away.

Why Your Knee Sucks

Seriously, this is such a non story

Now playing

Exclusive footage from the premiere of Season 6:

And ruins the plot for every single goddamned person involved, because they’re too self-involved to post a spoiler warning.

Bitcoin isn’t real?

>I didn’t enjoy this so you shouldn’t either.

The science behind making this work is extremely difficult. Much more difficult then anyone is saying for some reason. Almost every application you uses is coded the same way ‘If X, do Y’ or a variation on that. Simple rule sets to execute simple commands that all add up to create a complicated environment (like your

I’m glad companies are focusing on the new breakthrough technology that is video. Not many people know this, but video can go on the internet. Already we are seeing the video in popular web pages like Fusplinivision and CNN News where it is huge hit probably and not an annoying waste of time at all.

Ha! I had to google DM, because to me it always meant Dungeon Master, and that made no sense in this context.

Honestly, resignation does seem like the right move at the moment.

I am, on some level, troubled by the idea that a person’s career can be tanked on the basis of allegations alone (though that photo from the first allegation was pretty damning), but when multiple accusers come forward, we’re only left with two choices:


it really is pretty lol how willing the left is to eat their own with the most scant of evidence. this is a roger stone/sean hannity hit piece in action and the left is too dumb to realize it. who would have thought that a “believe any accusation no matter what at any time anywhere by anybody” policy could be

This. It’s still not cool, but let’s get fucking real about this extreme likelihood. It’s a gag photo, he’s totally mugging for the camera. The joke is, what if I was juvenile enough to actually do it? The jokes on him because it’s still juvenile, and disrespectful and shitty; but evidence of an actual grope it

But a critical and nuanced examination of the facts is frowned upon right now. The populace is swept away by uncompromising radicalization.

The best and smartest thing Franken did was invite the Senate ethics committee to investigate. Those people tend to want actual evidence and stuff.

This is why I am NEVER going to Australia! Every time I see a news story about spiders it is always Australia. No thanks, mate!