You’ve only read the first book?! Dear Odin, get this man an Audible account stat!
You’ve only read the first book?! Dear Odin, get this man an Audible account stat!
No it doesn’t. It’s bliss actually.
Since this pathetic website seems to have deleted our conversation after this, I’ll continue it here.
Nah. Based on the tacky use of gender identity slang, I can clearly see that you already have your mind made up. You don’t really have any interest in truly discussing what I believe or don’t believe. You just want a platform to spew your nonsense.
Are you kidding? I mean the fact that you ask this shows me that you don’t even know who the accusers were or what they accused Franken of. None of them but Tweeden have any witnesses to verify their accounts. But even in Tweeden’s account, doubt can be cast as to the intent of the photo.
Facts? What facts? There’s a photo which some see it as a joke done in poor taste, others see it clearly as predatory. These are not facts but opinions.
Cool story bro.
You are taking your own opinions about a photo and superseding them over someone who knows Franken personally. My opinion is that you need to STFU about shit that you have very little knowledge of.
Have you met Senator Franken? Do you know him personally?
Fuck that. I don’t know why any hitter would want to participate in the HR derby. Everyone who does sees his production seriously dip post all star break.
Counter-point; You’re an idiot.
This will all end in tears.
Oh that’s right! I defer to your superior nerd knowledge.
Puts nerd glasses on...Aragorn has some elf blood in him, which is what gave him his longer life.
Is the feature still called Autopilot?
Dufuq?! Are you mental?
Calling it. They will be the Las Vegas Diamondbacks in 2023.
Does this have to be framed as “White woman calls the cops on black family for BBQing in the wrong spot”?
Can’t we just say “Crazy busy body snitches on family who is not bothering anyone and just trying to have a good time”?
I mean, is there any evidence that this was racially motivated?