
Maybe I just haunt different circles of the internet then ya’ll. But I have yet to see here or on Twitter or Reddit people hating on the film because it has strong women in it. I see a lot of people reacting to this supposed criticism. But I have yet to see anyone explicitly say such a thing

This is just a taste of what the “Helmet Catch” felt like. Hopefully you’ll get a taste of that as well.

Found the idiot everyone!


Just so this is all crystal clear. You are cool with creating a climate where any woman can accuse a man of assault or harassment (true or not) and then have the media destroy his career (and possibly life) before any investigation can be performed. As long as a few of them are true. Is this your stance?

So you’re confirming you support “The ends justify the means”? Good to know.

Who cares if some innocents get destroyed? Who cares if people are misjudged? The ends justify the means right? Anything for the cause.

Ah yes, because again anyone who disagrees with you must be some raging conservative, white, racist mythologist right? No “proper” liberal who respects women would eeeeever disagree with your ideas. Sorry buddy, but there are many men and women from the left who aren’t comfortable with your witch hunts. Better stay

Oh please, drop the higher than thou act. Your premise seems to be that all women are innocent, the men are always wrong, and there is zero nuance.

You mean this?

Nah, not really. It’s never been honestly.

But reading that article I don’t see anything other than him being a creep to female students. What about that would lead you to believe that he deserves to lose his acting career? Lose his teaching job? For sure. But are there any accounts of him harassing or assaulting his

Any other links that aren’t from AVClub?

I haven’t seen any police reports. But I’d be happy to read any links you provide.

Safe? What the fuck did this guy do you put any woman in danger? The worst thing I can see is that he tried (succeeded?) in picking up under age women. Did he rape anyone? Did he hit anyone? Did he harass anyone?

Have there been reports that he’s harassed the women he’s worked with? I know that he’s trolled for teenage women, that’s been known for years about him. I also know that he uses his USC classes to troll for said women. Again, that’s been known for a while. But I haven’t heard anything from fellow actresses about

The only thing that should be coming from this is that women should give James Franco a wide berth. There is no reason for him to lose his job or his career over it.

Dear Odin, please save me from stupid people.

Can’t believe I actually enjoyed listening to this guys podcasts back in the day.

This can’t be a real thing. Next thing you’ll tell me is there’s a Keven Spacey Memorial Rape Room at the Four Seasons.

There’s got to be a better way for the NFL to encourage diversity on the management side of the ball than to force a rule that is obviously just window dressing. Frankly I don’t see how black coaches wouldn’t be offended by the whole process.