
Then you’re doing something very very wrong my friend. I make a good bit more than you but less than 100k and I generally average around 23% when everything is said and done.....that’s federal AND state (CA). Are you including your health insurance and 401k deductions?

If you make slightly over 40k/ year then you 100% absolutely do not pay 1/3 of your paycheck into taxes each year. At most you are paying 20% but realistically it is probably closer to 15-18%. So why are you lying?

So you make over $1,000,000? If so I think you’ll survive.


Counting on gender tribalism isn’t a good political strategy.

Hah! That’s some lame ass smack talk.

Poor little snowflake.

Praise Odin for that.

Yeah right there it is. The woman part isn’t relevant. The relevant part is that he kicked a photographer, which most musicians have done since the beginning of time because they can be invasive fucks. I knew I would trigger the hell out of the lynch mob.

FYI, JW Player sucks and I block it because you all insist on using autoplay videos on your web pages. Please stop that.

So you believe that she was kicked in the face because she was a woman and not because she was too damn close to the stage?

So because the photographer happened to be a woman then we need to be outraged?

How bout no? I’m not a Bieber fan.

Just trying to head off the outrage that is about to be ginned up.

There was a time when music was fun, exciting, and dangerous. Guess we can’t have that anymore either.

Hey look everyone, it’s the mob!