
Hot take, what’s so wrong with disrespecting the military?

You’re so brave taking such a stand against truth by spreading all those lies.

Such a bold take.

It’s a good thing Deadspin never writes anything negative about the NFL and concussions.

It’s a good thing Deadspin never writes anything negative about the NFL and concussions.

Simple fix:

Please stop your autoplay videos.

Sure would be nice to listen to this in a place other than Spotify.

I’m hijacking this. Does anyone know how to stop these annoying autoplay videos that play on this site now?

Adding another icky wrinkle to the situation are the sexual misconduct allegations that have followed CK himself for several years now

Only 8 episodes? But I want 200 episodes!!

Nothing because tipping is stupid.

You lost me at “new BuzzFeed article”. 

Tacky? Man, some people don’t like hearing the truth. The show has sucked ass since season 5.

Hey look, it’s a Red Sox fan trying to make every conversation about them. What a shock!

I don’t think the kid from Modern Family is too short considering his age.

Readers of the book have known that things were heading towards this destination for a while.

If there is one trope that the Right throws around that enrages me the most it’s this idea that the US military has fought for MY freedoms. The last soldiers to actually do that are the ones who served in WWII and that wasn’t even a direct threat to the US. I refuse to hero worship a volunteer army that has done

2 Minutes of awesomeness.