
It’s not a shotgun so you can stop weeping. Batman’s toys in this movie are from TDKR, so he has an MG-42 that fires rubber riot control rounds; a rifle that fires grappling hooks; and a smoke grenade launcher. The latter is what he’s holding here.

Of course the hero team up starts with a fight; that’s the comic book formula. Since the Silver Age pretty much every DC and Marvel hero team up in comics starts with the heroes distrusting each other then duking it out.

Nolan has been the guy at WB who was adamant during the Bale Batman trilogy about there being no other heroes outside of Batman, and definitely no metas (although Harvey Dent being able to speak clearly without half his lips seems like a power). We could have had at least a mention that powers like Superman or Green

Problem or not, this isn’t new from DC. If you have kids under 17 you should filter out the last few DC animated movies. Ultra-violence, gore, NSFW language - they’re aimed directly at adults who are used to anime.

And you’re thinking about it wrong. Apple told publishers they’d let them set their own prices rather than Apple setting them (as Amazon sets prices for the ebooks they sell). The proposed prices themselves has nothing to do with it (actual ebook prices fell at Apple during the period in question). It’s the discussion

Now we need Bricken to explain to us all how racist it is to cast an English actor in a role that should go to a Scandinavian.

I’ve been pushing for a variant on that, a Serenity-type crew running around the frontier of the Federation, since the 2009 movie came out.

Nope, but I found the prequel movie about whether or not White Star Lines would build a passenger ship named Titanic rather dull, even with the parts where they talked about safety measures. DiCaprio’s cameo showing him working as a carpenter who built doors was mildly ironic.

Finally, a movie that will answer the question we’ve asked for nearly 40 years: did the rebels successfully steal plans for the Death Star?

Folks in io9 threads spew hate to get attention; something mommy so obviously denies them. Quite sad, really.

DC characters smiling, who’da thunk it?

Immersion suing because they received patents for inventing haptic feedback mechanisms in 2001 may not turn out the way they’d like it to. The court may take into account the fact that haptic feedback has been in use in consumer computer technology since the 1970s, and the military has been working with it even

Pretty sure from watching the car crash scene in multiple teasers/trailers that Bats wasn’t expecting Supes to be standing there. You can see him slam on the brake but it’s too late.

They both are. Lex and Darkseid are behind the scenes manipulators here. I completely expect the tried and true “Lex partners with alien entity to defeat Superman only to be betrayed in the end; Justice League cleans up the mess” trope.

Yet Another Red Flag: When your New Dating Partner’s friends one after another approach you with, “FYI you should know New Dating Partner isn’t monogamous,” don’t take that as a challenge that for you it’ll be different, if that’s what you’re looking for. Or be surprised when it turns out to be true.

I’m still puzzled about the speed dial (hah! get it? speed dial!) names. On Earth-2 Barry isn’t the Flash, so why do we get a tease of Justice League/Society/Superfriends phone numbers? Shouldn’t this be on Jay’s phone?

The so-called “original timeline” was wiped out during the first season of TOS. The timeline of the current movie trilogy descends from the timeline from Enterprise, which was itself tampered with.

I mentioned their profitability, but I’m talking about movie franchise building.

In the mistakes list you left off allowing Nolan to create a pocket Bat-universe where there are no metas. Profitable as that movie trilogy was, it just isn’t a good fit with anything in the comics (other than as an Elseworlds series).

More importantly, Java is a terrible blight on our computer security that must be stopped at all costs.