Benoit Balls

I love people that fall for this shit. I’m about as left as you can get without getting extreme, am non-white and have experienced racism - yet I can see this is a race baiting bullshit meme. Yes, I do remember it, and I remember looking it up and finding tons of posts about “looting” and “finding” and lots of other

I don’t think Llamas has much room to talk.

My assumption is he’s referring to Roy Keane...

UEFA needs to come down way harder on this shit than they do. This happens multiple times every year in games with Balkan teams, whether in club or international play. It’s ridiculous.

Are you on the side of the kind of people who are fighting Nazis and Klansmen—one of whom gave her life yesterday to the cause of defeating them—even if they sometimes make mistakes? Or are you on the side of white supremacist murderers? Pick one.

And I see the side you picked was clearly not “journalism.”

To take a leaf out of our president’s book, you might say the Times keeps finding “many sides” to a story that is, at its core, about just one thing: whether you are for white supremacy, or Nazism, or against it.

Congress? What the fuck are you talking about? Here’s who can get involved. The police force and a DA. Fucking Congress. Do you just spout whatever mindless drivel comes into your head? And don’t cite that baseball fiasco as a reason to get Congress involved. That was total bullshit all the way around. Why

It’s already bad enough that deadspin’s soccer coverage amounts to billy’s personal barca blog, but this is actually distasteful. Now this ignorant child is given a platform to carry water for the Saudis?

Of course they will. The politics of sites like this can be summed up by saying “someone should do something about that, but it’s not gonna be us!”

Those anti Union fuckers at Slate seem happy taking Qatari bucks - the govt of Qatar has ads plastered all over the goddamn site. Gotta stop reading Dear Prudence now.

did he have any thoughts about his own employer doing that little publicity stunt “we are interested in Kaepernick!” or nah?

I wouldn’t go there for ethical advice.

On one hand, the semantics of legalese means you might be right. On the other hand, the NYT report is not necessarily the legalese of the contract, just a summation, and either way, being publicly pressured into giving more money to a charitable cause (the merit of this particular cause notwithstanding) has little to

From the Globe story (my emphasis added):

If the agreement just says that the Garden must be available 3 times per year, yet no one ever asked them to use it, do they really owe anything?? It would be different if charities were frequently making requests to use it and the Garden never said ‘yes’.

I don’t know why you’re calling this bad. It’s exactly what I wanted to see.

That’s the thing. Is seeing the downfall of such a supreme asshole worth the disgrace of a person who has done nothing extraordinary, good or bad?

“everything I just said may be a lie except for the dick part.”
